Just wondering if it is possible to put a line break inside a value. Example, I have a dropdown of different options that have wordy values that get called into a tooltip. This tooltip changes depending on what option you have selected. Some options I feel need a line break to make it look cleaner but I have tried <br> , &#10; (This one turned blue like it was going to work but sadly didn't do anything) , \n , and {&nl} but nothing is breaking up the text. Any thoughts or is this not possible? (The • in the code below are where I want the Line Breaks.) HTML < div class = "statuslabel" > Drained < span class = "tooltiptext" name = "attr_drainedselect" > </ span > </ div > &nbsp; < select class = "draineddropdown" name = "attr_drainedselect" > < option value = "" checked > 0 </ option > < option value = "At 1st level, a Drained creature has a 2 skill step penalty on all Skill Checks" > 1 </ option > < option value = "At 2nd level, a Drained creature has its speed reduced by 1 step, to a minimum of Very Slow • At 1st level, a Drained creature has a 2 skill step penalty on all Skill Checks" > 2 </ option > < option value = "At 3rd level, a Drained creature has a 2 dice step penalty on all attack rolls, loses the bonus saving throw dice and takes an additional 1 skill step penalty on all skill checks • At 2nd level, a Drained creature has its speed reduced by 1 step, to a minimum of Very Slow • At 1st level, a Drained creature has a 2 skill step penalty on all Skill Checks" > 3 </ option > </ select > CSS .charsheet .statuslabel { font-size : 10px ; padding-left : 5px ; padding-top : 3px ; position : relative ; display : inline-block ; } .charsheet .statuslabel .tooltiptext { visibility : hidden ; width : 200px ; background-color : #181818 ; color : #d2d2d2 ; text-align : left ; border-radius : 6px ; padding : 5px 0 ; /* Position the tooltip */ position : absolute ; z-index : 1 ; top : 100% ; left : 50% ; margin-left : -60px ; padding : 5px ; } .charsheet .statuslabel:hover .tooltiptext { visibility : visible ; }