We are a group of all mature and affable gamers that have been gaming together for a while now s eeking one or two more peeps for a Call of Cthulhu 7E campaign that lost a couple players recently. At the conclusion of the campaign, we will be playing Mythras (most likely, similar system to COC7E), in a 'lost world' type jam. We have other games as well that will be recruiting soon too (Holler Savage Worlds and Knave 2E so far). We are in the midst of The Sense Of The Sleight Of Hand Man , a mature, brutal romp through the Dreamlands by Dennis Detwiler. The players are all flawed near-degenerates that were addicted to opium and racked up a substantial debt with the gangster Mr. Lao. Lao forced them to ingest an opium derivative that was laced with eldritch alchemical herbs, sending their psyches into the Dreamlands...in bodies not of their own. To survive, they have covered themselves in gug feces to avoid being detected, robbed corpses for clothing and weapons, hid in a sack of butchered meat and intestines, parlayed with several creepy figures in the Underworld, used manticore blood to avoid a midnight ambush, and now find themselves on a task to travel to an Oracle on behalf of the leaders of the city of Inquanok. In return, the Dreamers will get to use The Book Of Keys and Gates, an infamous grimoire in the possession of the Sages of Inquanok , in an attempt to get themselves home. Not for the faint of heart, but also not an excuse to be an edgelord. You don't have to be a grognard, but if 5E is the only RPG you have ever played, this may not be for you...speaking from experience. Sound like your thing? PM me! Slots go fast!