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looking for calender that can be customized to my own world setting

Seems Krissy and Jux calenders are set for Eberron, Taldorei, Faerun, greyhawk, Modern and 1 other... but I am looking for something where I can input my own names for months and years. is there another calender system out there?
API Scripter
What else would you need to do with it other than name your months? Would you need to add holy days? Holidays? Dates of regional importance? And would you need to report the date at any given time? Would you need to reference upcoming dates based on the game date?
Assisting my DM, he is looking for a calendar that he can mold for his own campaign in general and have 4 moon cycles as they affect gameplay.  
API Scripter
OK, so you can mock this up using the Metascript Toolbox, if nothing else.  Here is a simple setup... Required Scripts Metascript Toolbox Setup This is just one way to approach it. I broke the various categories of information out into their own "tables" so that they were easier to upkeep and change later... but you could simplify this setup down to one table, if you wanted to. Create a mule character to carry the ability mules you'll need. I called my character "CalendarMule," but you can call it whatever... just replace "CalendarMule" in the below command lines with the name you choose. On your CalendarMule character, create 5 abilities. Name them: Calendar Months MoonCycles MoonCycleInfo AdvanceCalendarMonth ...and populate them as follows... Months This is where you will list your months by their number, as well as the total count of months in your calendar. Here is a sample dataset: Count=12 1=January 2=February 3=March 4=April 5=May 6=June 7=July 8=August 9=September 10=October 11=November 12=December As long as you have the "Count" variable and then a list of months starting at index "1", you can have as many or as few months as you want. Save and close the Months ability. MoonCycles This is where you will connect your months to a moon cycle. I found it easy to just use the same month index for this, but you could (with some re-jiggering) use the month's *name*, instead. For now (and for the commands I'm about to show), enter a dataset based around the index of the current month, entered as a range. Here is a sample dataset: 1-3=Winter 4-6=Spring 7-9=Summer 10-12=Fall As long as you start at index "1" and cover all of the possible months that are in your calendar, you can have as many moon cycles as you want. Save and close the MoonCycles ability. MoonCycleInfo This is where you would put any information you want to see when you advance the month. You could expand this idea to have a statement that is displayed to the players vs a separate set of statements reserved for the GM to see (reminding about certain gameplay). That sort of expansion could be handled within this mule ability, or with another mule ability. We can cover that if such expansion is sought. For now, the commands I'll share expect that with every advancement of the month, a certain bit of moon cycle information should be shared with the players. Here is a sample dataset: 1-3=Info for Winter cycle here. 4-6=Info for Spring cycle here. 7-9=Info for Summer cycle here. 10-12=Info for Fall cycle here. Match the index structure of your MoonCycle ability to provide information for that cycle (where MoonCycle has an index range of "1-3" representing "Winter", the MoonCycleInfo ability has the same index range representing the info for the Winter cycle. Save and close the MoonCycleInfo ability. Calendar This is where the metascripts will write information related to the advancement of the months to track where you are in the calendar. Three variables are required (as noted below), but only the first one needs to be initialized to a value. I used "1" just to start things off. Here is that sample dataset: CurrentMonth=1 CurrentMonthName= CurrentMoonCycle= There is no need (with the process I am describing) for this list to expand. These are the only datapoints referenced in the below command. Save and close the Calendar ability. AdvanceCalendarMonth Now we come to the workhorse command that will actually advance you through your calendar. While you can expand the data in any of the other mule abilities (i.e., adding months to the Months ability, or moon cycles to the MoonCycle and MoonCycleInfo abilities), if you make any change to the *structure* of the data in the other abilities, this command will have to change. For instance, if you want to combine the MoonCycle and MoonCycleInfo abilities, or you want to drive the whole operation by the name of the month... those sort of changes will require an overhaul of this command. Like I said, I found this layout of information the easiest to navigate with the metascripts, so start here and see if it works for you. Here is the command that works with the structure of the other mules I've described: !{{(^)   {\&global ([NewMonth] {&math ((get.CalendarMule.Calendar.CurrentMonth/get) % get.CalendarMule.Months.Count/get)+1})}   !set^.CalendarMule.Calendar.CurrentMonth = NewMonth/set   !set^.CalendarMule.Calendar.CurrentMonthName = get^.CalendarMule.Months.NewMonth/get/set   !set^.CalendarMule.Calendar.CurrentMoonCycle = get^.Calendar.MoonCycles.NewMonth/get/set   {^&template:default}({)name=Calendar(})({)Month=get^.CalendarMule.Calendar.CurrentMonthName/get(}) ({)Cycle=get^.CalendarMule.Calendar.CurrentMoonCycle/get(}) ({)Information=get^.CalendarMule.MoonCycleInfo.NewMonth/get(}) }} Save and close the AdvanceCalendarMonth ability. Create a button or keep the character sheet open to run the AdvanceCalendarMonth ability whenever you need to advance the month. Usage After completing your setup, you need only run the AdvanceCalendarMonth ability to advance the month by one step. This is where that button would come in handy. =D Output Here is sample output advancing the month several times in a row. Expansion You might have need for a "RegressCalendarMonth" ability to rollback the month index by 1, or a "SetCalendarMonth" where you would use a query to explicitly set an index for the current month and have everything align with that new value. If your GM decides to go this direction and can't figure out one of these options, post back and I'll try to help.
prolly NOT what you are thinking of, given where you posted the ask... but on a completely different approach, i used this pre-rolled solution for my Barovian CoS setting and it was a dream: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>