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Eldritch blast with cantrip beam?


Edited 1721321367
Hi,  There have been some posts about this in the past, but I can't seem to find one that answers my question: I'm having trouble making the Cantrip Beam option work for Eldritch Blast (what I think it is intended for), so that with level scaling, the spell makes separate attack rolls for every single beam.  I'm using a paladin 10/warlock 1 multiclass for this.  Alas, even with the 'cantrip beam' option enabled for Eldritch Blast, I only get one single attack roll per 'click' on the spell. Whereas 'cantrip dice' functions properly (also rolling 1 attack roll but then rolling 3d10 for damage) Is there a way without sophisticated API's to resolve this issue? (and other than clicking 'Eldritch Blast' thrice) Much thanks in advance. 
It sounds like the 'Cantrip Beam' feature is working correctly.  A beam of crackling energy streaks toward a creature within range. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 1d10 force damage. The spell creates more than one beam when you reach higher levels: two beams at 5th level, three beams at 11th level, and four beams at 17th level. You can direct the beams at the same target or at different ones. Make a separate attack roll for each beam. You're supposed to click on the attack roll three times and make three separate attack rolls at level 11. Unless you're looking for a way to show all three separate attack rolls in a single roll template?  That won't be possible with the standard spell settings. You'd need to create a custom macro for that, and it probably still won't display exactly how you're envisioning.

Edited 1721321115
Jarren said: It sounds like the 'Cantrip Beam' feature is working correctly.  A beam of crackling energy streaks toward a creature within range. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 1d10 force damage. The spell creates more than one beam when you reach higher levels: two beams at 5th level, three beams at 11th level, and four beams at 17th level. You can direct the beams at the same target or at different ones. Make a separate attack roll for each beam. You're supposed to click on the attack roll three times and make three separate attack rolls at level 11. Unless you're looking for a way to show all three separate attack rolls in a single roll template?  That won't be possible with the standard spell settings. You'd need to create a custom macro for that, and it probably still won't display exactly how you're envisioning. Hi, Well yes, I expected the system to immediately roll for attack 3 times (in one chat prompt) with then separate damage rolls for each beam. I know you can just click the spell three times, but then why bother selecting the 'cantrip beam' option? You can just do the same without having that box checked, right? In other words: what does the 'cantrip beam' option actually do then?

Edited 1721322497
Forum Champion
Sven V. said: In other words: what does the 'cantrip beam' option actually do then? It doesn't do anything that I can see. It may have been part of a design choice that never materialized. I would also point out that if it spammed all 3 attacks like you want, other people would then be annoyed because it prevents choices from being made.  By rule, when you cast Eldritch blast all of the attacks are not concurrent, they are in sequence, giving you the option to see the results of the first and then select the target of the second attack.  If you would like to make it easier on yourself I suggest adding a Chat Menu button in the attack description that you can push to get the next attack.  Alternately, create a macro that fires the attack three times. You can do that by grabbing the command for that spell and putting it in an Ability macro three times. 
Gauss said: Sven V. said: In other words: what does the 'cantrip beam' option actually do then? It doesn't do anything that I can see. It may have been part of a design choice that never materialized. I would also point out that if it spammed all 3 attacks like you want, other people would then be annoyed because it prevents choices from being made.  By rule, when you cast Eldritch blast all of the attacks are not concurrent, they are in sequence, giving you the option to see the results of the first and then select the target of the second attack.  If you would like to make it easier on yourself I suggest adding a Chat Menu button in the attack description that you can push to get the next attack.  Alternately, create a macro that fires the attack three times. You can do that by grabbing the command for that spell and putting it in an Ability macro three times.  Hi, I guess that makes sense, as I found a post from a few years ago where they must have temporarily removed both cantrip dice and cantrip beam options in favor of the 'higher lvl cast dmg' option that is also still available now.  About the not concurrent happening of the separate beams: I don't know if that is the case. I imagined it as something like Magic Missile or Scorching Ray where you decide what projectiles go where before you roll them, but that is up for interpretation I guess (and is also irrelevant to my question here ;) ). I'll look into the suggestions you have given. Have never before done anything with chat menu's or creating macro's, so I will have some reading and experimenting to do. Thanks for mentioning this though, I didn't know these type of functions existed.  Cheers!
Forum Champion
Sven V. said: About the not concurrent happening of the separate beams: I don't know if that is the case. I imagined it as something like Magic Missile or Scorching Ray where you decide what projectiles go where before you roll them, but that is up for interpretation I guess (and is also irrelevant to my question here ;) ). Actually this came up in the official Sage Advice publication (not just JC's opinion). " When casting a spell that affects multiple targets, such as scorching ray or eldritch blast, do I fire one ray or beam, determine the result, and fire again? Or do I have to choose all the targets before making any attack rolls? Even though the duration of each of these spells is instantaneous, you choose the targets and resolve the attacks consecutively, not all at once. If you want, you can declare all your targets before making any attacks, but you would still roll separately for each attack (and damage, if appropriate)." Source:&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Gauss said: Actually this came up in the official Sage Advice publication (not just JC's opinion). " When casting a spell that affects multiple targets, such as scorching ray or eldritch blast, do I fire one ray or beam, determine the result, and fire again? Or do I have to choose all the targets before making any attack rolls? Even though the duration of each of these spells is instantaneous, you choose the targets and resolve the attacks consecutively, not all at once. If you want, you can declare all your targets before making any attacks, but you would still roll separately for each attack (and damage, if appropriate)." Source:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Oh ok then, then I also learned this as an extra ;)&nbsp; Thank you for the reference&nbsp;