DnD... in Space! What I love about Starfinder is the focus on action that isnt combat. Theres liberating towns, Starship battles, Jailbreaks, Laser guns, Starship battles, Markets, socialising did I mention the Sarship battles???? Session day/time : weekly sessions on Happening Monday, Tuesday, wednesday, Thursday and Saturday, Time of day? message me and we'll schedule. you know how it is loads of people and los of scheduling, + time zones etc etc At the end of the day, its Pathfinder in Space, its not as "crunchy" as pathfinder and very little min axing to do aswell... its like they took all the best parts of pathfinder and made a better game. Cost : $22.5 I conduct my games on Roll20, there's very little "shadows or walls" i provide maps, pregenerated characters, (or we can sit and make them during session 0) and all things needed to run a game. if your not great at number crunching, i am so honestly only he player and their role play is required, i do everything else. Total Group Size : 5 PCs + DM I run a Role playing cafe in Vietnam where we play RPG's with people from all walks of life, i enjoy creative players of all types (even the ones labeled as "difficut") as long as you love RPG's and your here to have a great time. Start playing link: All games are run Professionally and Officially on Startplaying.games , you can have a look at my profile and all my reviews here: <a href="https://startplaying.games/gm/clmsrs2sw0000jo08g2a0lb3m" rel="nofollow">https://startplaying.games/gm/clmsrs2sw0000jo08g2a0lb3m</a> Discord link: you can join my Discord server so we can chat a bit more there too and you can meet the ever growing community: <a href="https://discord.gg/uNdKn3SgN2" rel="nofollow">https://discord.gg/uNdKn3SgN2</a>