Hi, I've been trying to get a drop down box to work inside of an ability on the D&D 4e character sheet. The goal of it is something like a 'Skill Check' ability which brings up a dropdown so the user can select the attribute, roll it and output a single roll instead of a huge block of all the checks. Here is the original ability, but I wasn't able to make it work and display correctly. &{template:default}{{name=All Attributes}} {{[[1d20+@{strength_mod_level}]] =STR Check}} {{[[1d20+@{constitution_mod_level}]] =CON Check}} {{[[1d20+@{dexterity_mod_level}]] =DEX Check}} {{[[1d20+@{intelligence_mod_level}]] =INT Check}} {{[[1d20+@{wisdom_mod_level}]] =WIS Check}} {{[[1d20+@{charisma_mod_level}]] =CHA Check}} Any help would be appreciated?