Tuo said: I'm assuming you're using the DnD 5e by roll20 (2014) sheet, from the looks of it - in which case, to the best of my efforts, there is no way to inject a custom roll into the sheet roll button for tools and custom skills. You're better off making a macro that calls the values from the sheet and is called from another place (from a token ability, macro bar, or a chat menu). Additionally, if you use a custom d20 roll like this, you can't have it follow the advantage setting of the sheet, due to the required expressions going before the roll and the way the advantage setting modifies macros. &{template:simple} {{rname=@{repeating_tool_$X_toolname}}} {{mod=@{repeating_tool_$X_toolbonus}}} {{?{Advantage?|None,normal=1|Advantage,advantage=1|Disadvantage,disadvantage=1}}} {{r1=[[{1d20, 0d0+10}k1 + @{repeating_tool_$X_toolbonus}]]}}{{r2=[[{1d20, 0d0+10}k1 + @{repeating_tool_$X_toolbonus}]]}} This template should do the trick, saved in the abilities section of the sheet - just replace the X in the repeating toll attribute calls with the index number of the skill you want (starting from 0 at the top). If you want to call it from somewhere else (like a chat menu or a different character sheet), you'll need to add reference to the sheet those attributes are in. This is precisely what I was looking for. I should have detailed that I was wanting to put it into a macro bar, yes. Thank for you realizing that so easily!