There's two ways to do this without Mods (that I could think of) - one is to use the chat as memory, and another using the initiative tracker to hold the value. Here's both approaches:
&{template:default} {{Tension level:= [[?{Tension level|0|Cancel,}}}]] [Roll](`[[[[{?{Tension level},1}kh1]]d6]])}} {{=[Add Tension](`[[[[?{Tension level}+1]]*[[abs([[{0,[[?{Tension level}+1]]}>7]]-1)]]]] ?{Tension level|$[[5]]|Cancel,}}} %{Tester|tension})}}
This is the more cumbersome option - save it as an ability on a character sheet of your choosing (replacing the "Tester" with that sheet's name), with the name "tension" (no quotation marks) for the ability, and it'll work - every time you click "add tension" in the chat, the tension level will increment resetting after 6, and clicking "roll" will roll dice equal to the tension level. The downside is that if it gets lost in the chat, you lose the number.
&{template:default} {{name=Tension}} {{Tension Level:=[[ [[@{tracker|tension}+1]]*[[abs([[{0,@{tracker|tension}}>6-1]])]] &{tracker}]] [Roll](`[[[[{@{tracker|tension},1}k1]]d6]])}}
This is the initiative tracker method - arguably the better option. You'll need to have a token set up for it, with the name "tension", but that's the end of the setup. You could also add a link to the template to repeat it right from the chat, like with the previous method.
Both of these could be set up in collections macros too, but they both utilize html replacements, and since whenever you open a saved collections macro the html replacements are resolved, these are better suited to character sheet abilities.
EDIT: Noticed a slight error with the roll buttons, will fix.
EDIT2: Fixed.
EDIT3: Since it's a relatively controlled and small sequence, you could also get away with 6 separate sequenced abilities, each linking to next, but that has the same limitations as the first.