So, once again, playing a Pokemon 5e TTRPG, and I am thinking I should set up a macro for the different Pokeballs that will be used in the future. So, I figured I could do a list macro, calling on the Animal Handling check needed for the roll, add on the ball's bonus, and make it a simple prompt I could maybe share with the others in my party. Of course, its not being simple... Pokeball, Jake threw a Pokeball! [[@{animal_handling} + 0]] That is part command I got set up within the character sheet, as the other balls would be more copy pasta and number changes, but when I test it, I get: No attribute was found for @{Jake Dressel|animal_handling} When I try to set it to @{animal_handling_roll}, it changes from a list query to an input query, so there must be something wrong, I could be calling the variable wrong or a strange call is somehow being made. I am sorry if this feels like a newbie issue, but this is my first time trying to directly call a number from a character sheet. If needed, I can copy-paste the full command I am using as my basis and editing (a potions macro)