Hey, Gingerwerewolf... Here is some information that will hopefully help. 1. Can you add the modifiers together? Yes. Inline rolls resolve after queries, so just put those values in an inline roll: [[?{Range|Short,-2|Long,3}+(?{Additional To Hit Modifiers|No,0|+1,1|+2,2|+3,3|+4,4|+5,5|-1,-1|-2,-2|-3,-3|-4,-4|-5,-5})]] Now, that's going to show up as an inline roll -- with all of the formatting you referenced in your second post. If you want to change that, see the answer to question 2... 2. Inline Roll formatting You can't change the way Roll20 wants to format the inline rolls, nor can you detect whether someone is on light/dark mode... nor would that help you if yoiu could because there just isn't that granularity to how Roll20 sends messages (different players could have different settings, but only a single message is sent from Roll20 when something hits the chat). You might be able to use something like Stylus... but that would only affect your display; not the display of anyone else in the game. However... I'm not sure if this post offers a solution that will work with inline rolls or not. I haven't tried, but I figured I would point it out. Also, if you use the Metascript Toolbox, you can remove all that formatting of an inline roll (that is, just extract the value of the roll and ditch the rest). Using the toolbox would mean a) starting the line with a bang, 2) including a {&simple} at some point in the roll to output your message when processing was finished, and 3) using metascript constructions within it. For instance, by appending: .value to the end of an inline roll (or roll marker), you can extract the value of the roll and ditch the inline roll formatting. Using that with the inline roll example I included, above, that would be: [[?{Range|Short,-2|Long,3}+(?{Additional To Hit Modifiers|No,0|+1,1|+2,2|+3,3|+4,4|+5,5|-1,-1|-2,-2|-3,-3|-4,-4|-5,-5})]].value Metascripts might be helpful, because they allow you to accomplish your third question fairly easily... 3) Include a "+" if a number is positive So, once we've engaged the Metascript Toolbox, we can use conditionals in our command line. If we want to include a "+" before the result of a roll if the roll is positive, here's how you can do that (assuming we're looking at roll 0 -- e.g., the first roll in the command line): {&if $[[0]] > 0}+{&end}$[[0]] You could append that roll marker ( $[[0]] ) with the .value syntax, again, to have it be not-formatted like an inline roll. Example So, with all of that said, here's an example. I don't have your template, so I'm just going to use your "subtitle" field in the default template... and since I'm using the default template I'll include rows to demonstrate the modifiers that you pick from the queries. You can, of course, extract the parts you need: !&{template:default}{{name=Demonstration}} [[?{Range|Short,@{selected|Weapon01_AccS}|Long,@{selected|Weapon01_AccL}}+(?{Additional To Hit Modifiers|No,0|+1,1|+2,2|+3,3|+4,4|+5,5|-1,-1|-2,-2|-3,-3|-4,-4|-5,-5})]] {{Range=?{Range} }} {{Other Mods=?{Additional To Hit Modifiers} }} {{subtitle=with their @{selected|Weapon01_name} with a {&if $[[0]] > 0}+{&end}$[[0]].value range modifier}} {&simple} And an example output: