Hello All, This is my new Summon Beast Mod. It is a little bit more sophisticated than the last and requires slightly fewer steps to install. This Mod works with the D&D 5E (2014) Character sheet by roll20. What Does This Mod Do? When run the first time the script will install, instructions in the next section. On subsequent runs of the mod, it will display the spell information and ask what level the spell is being cast at. It will then ask if the beast is a land, air or water beast and summon the token beside the caster token. Mod Installation This mod requires four API scripts to be installed; ScriptCards, SpawnDefaultToken, TokenMod(if you want a concentration status marker), and SelectManager (which can also be installed VIA MetaScriptToolBox). After those scripts are successfully installed, do the following: 1) Create an NPC named SummonBeast, all one word and case sensitive. 2) Run the Mod for the first time. This will create the table token and write information to the SummonBeast NPC. 3) Go to the table token under "Rollable Tables" section, and click the token button to have the token appear on the map. Next link that token to the SummonBeast character sheet. All subsequent runs of the Mod should now just cast the spell. The installation process will use images from my library. You can, however change them after the installation if you'd prefer by editing the table token. ****NOTE**** Empty repeating sections will be created by this Mod on the NPC character sheet, DO NOT delete these. ScriptCards, by design, is not capable of deleting attributes or repeating sections, so instead I have to empty them if they don't exist for the particular summoned beast. !scriptcards {{
--/|Script Name : Find Familiar
--/|Version : v2.0.0
--/|Author : Timothy Beasley
--/|API MODs : ScriptCards, SpawnDefaultToken, TokenMod(if you want a concentration status marker), SelectManager(I suggest installing MetaScriptToolbox to get SelectManager)
--/|Description : This script on first run creates a Rollable Token Table and writes stats to the SummonBeast character
--/| On all subsequent runs it will cast the spell which will ask for the spell slot level used;
--/| ask if the Beast being summoned is a Land, Air, or Water beast. It will then Spawn the token beside the Summoner.
--/|Instructions: First create a new NPC character and call it SummonBeast. The name is case sensative with no spaces.
--/| Secondly, run the script for the first time.
--/| Next go to your Rollable Tables and click on "token" of the SummonBeast table.
--/| Link the token to the SummonBeast character.
--/| All of the subsequent runs of the script will then just cast the spell.
--&SpellName|Summon Beast
--/|Token Image Variables
--&LandToken|<a href="https://s3.amazonaws.com/files.d20.io/images/405355810/bPNKocIsdnbzZhzpWX4_mQ/original.png?17237716575" rel="nofollow">https://s3.amazonaws.com/files.d20.io/images/405355810/bPNKocIsdnbzZhzpWX4_mQ/original.png?17237716575</a>
--&AirToken|<a href="https://s3.amazonaws.com/files.d20.io/images/405356017/QoKKmEFLHV8hvSwxHxgU4w/original.png?17237717685" rel="nofollow">https://s3.amazonaws.com/files.d20.io/images/405356017/QoKKmEFLHV8hvSwxHxgU4w/original.png?17237717685</a>
--&WaterToken|<a href="https://s3.amazonaws.com/files.d20.io/images/405355871/e-jsklroffKcQ4B_JXzn4A/original.png?17237716955" rel="nofollow">https://s3.amazonaws.com/files.d20.io/images/405355871/e-jsklroffKcQ4B_JXzn4A/original.png?17237716955</a>
--?"@{SummonBeast|charactersheet_type}" -neq "npc"|NoCharacter|IsFirstRun
--?"[&FFText]" -eq ""|MakeTable|SpellInfo
--+|[b]Creating Rollable Token Table for First Run[/b]
--+New Table ID|[&tableid]
--+New Entry ID|[&entryid]
--+New Entry ID|[&entryid]
--+New Entry ID|[&entryid]
--+Rollable Token Table SummonBeast created.| Don't forget to link your new rollable token to your SummonBeast character sheet. The next run of this macro will just cast the spell.
--!a:[&SummonBeast]|!npc_type:Medium Beast, Unaligned|!npc_actype:natural armor|!npc_hpformula:|!strength_base:18|!dexterity_base:11|!constitution_base:16|!intelligence_base:4|!wisdom_base:14|!charisma_base:5|!initiative_bonus:|!npc_challenge:|!npc_xp:|!npc_senses:Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 12|!npc_languages:Same as Caster
--!or:[&SummonBeast]:npcaction|name:Maul|attack_flag:on|attack_type:Melee|attack_target:one target|attack_range:5 ft.|attack_tohit:@{selected|spell_attack_bonus}|attack_damagetype:piercing|attack_tohitrange:|attack_range:5ft.|attack_target:one target
--!or:[&SummonBeast]:npcaction|name:Multiattack|attack_flag:off|description:The beast makes a number of attacks equal to half this spell’s level (rounded down).
--!ob:AbilID2:[&SummonBeast]:Multiattack:y|@[&obrac]SummonBeast|wtype[&cbrac]&[&obrac]template:npcaction[&cbrac] @[&obrac]SummonBeast|npc_name_flag[&cbrac] [&obrac][&obrac]rname=Multiattack[&cbrac][&cbrac] [&obrac][&obrac]description=The beast makes a number of attacks equal to half this spell’s level (rounded down).[&cbrac][&cbrac] @[&obrac]SummonBeast|charname_output[&cbrac]
--#emoteText|[*S:character_name] Casts [*R:spellname].
--?[*R:spelllevel] -eq cantrip|&spllvl;cantrip|&spllvl;[*R:spelllevel]
--?[&spllvl] -eq 1|&lvlsuffix;st
--?[&spllvl] -eq 2|&lvlsuffix;nd
--?[&spllvl] -eq 3|&lvlsuffix;rd
--?[&spllvl] -ge 4|&lvlsuffix;th
--?"[*R:spellcomp_v]" -inc "v=1"|&Verbal;V|&Verbal;
--?"[*R:spellcomp_s]" -inc "s=1"|&Somatic;S|&Somatic;
--?"[*R:spellcomp_m]" -inc "m=1"|[
--?"[*R:spellconcentration]" -inc 1|&Concentration;Concentration,
--+|[i][&spllvl][&lvlsuffix]-Level [*R:spellschool][/i]
--+Casting Time:|[*R:spellcastingtime]
--+Components:|[&Verbal][&Somatic][&Components] [&Materials]
--?"[*R:spellathigherlevels]" -ne ""|[
--+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[i]At Higher Levels:[/i]|[*R:spellathigherlevels]
--+|[c][b]At what level is the spell being cast?[/b][/c]
--?[$SlotsExpended.Raw] -eq [$SlotsTotal.Raw]|[
--+|[c][b][*S:character_name] has no level [$SlotLevel.Total] spell slots available.[/b][/c]
--=SlotsLeft|[$SlotsExpended] - 1
--+|[c][b]What type of Beast are you summoning?[/b][/c]
--c[&BeastType]|Land:&Speed;30 ft., climb 30 ft.|Air:&Speed;30 ft., fly 60 ft.|Water:&Speed;30 ft., swim 30 ft.
--=ACCalc|11 + [$SlotLevel]
--=hptotal|5 * [= [$SlotLevel] - 2] + [&hplvl]
--=AttNum|[$SlotLevel] /2 {FLOOR}
--!a:[&SummonBeast]|!npc_name:[&BeastType] Beast|!npc_ac:[$ACCalc]|!hp:[$hptotal]|!hp^:[$hptotal]|!npc_speed:[&Speed]|!pb:@{selected|pb}
--?"[&BeastType]" -inc "Air"|[
--!a:[&SummonBeast]|![*R>name]:Flyby|![*R>description]:The beast doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks when it flies out of an enemy’s reach.
--!a:[&SummonBeast]|[*R>name]:Pack Tactics|[*R>description]:The beast has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the beast’s allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated.
--?"[&BeastType]" -inc "Water"|[
--!a:[&SummonBeast]|[*R>name]:Water Breathing|[*R>description]:The beast can breathe only underwater.
--+|[c][b]Level [$SlotLevel] Slots Left: [$SlotsLeft][/b][/c]
--?"[&BeastType]" -inc "Air"|[
--!a:[&SummonBeast]|[*R>description]:|attack_damage:1d8 + 4 + [$SlotLevel]|attack_onhit:1d8 + 4 + [$SlotLevel]
--!a:[&SummonBeast]|[*R>description]:The beast has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the beast’s allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated.|attack_damage:1d8 + 4 + [$SlotLevel]|attack_onhit:1d8 + 4 + [$SlotLevel]
--!a:[&SummonBeast]|[*R>description]:The beast makes [$AttNum] attack per round(half the spell's level rounded down).
--@token-mod| _ids @(selected|token_id} _set statusmarkers|[&StatusMarker]
--@forselected|Spawn _name|SummonBeast _offset|1,0 _side|[&Type] _size|1 _expand|5,50 _tokenProps|has_bright_light_vision:1,has_night_vision:1,night_vision_distance:60,night_vision_effect:Nocturnal
--+|[b]Please make sure to create an NPC character named SummonBeast, then rerun the script.[/b]