I'm going to go mad, but this script only executes once every two attempts to run it. I can't figure out what the problem is... I've changed the sandbox, I've changed the whole script to isolate only this part, imagining that it could be something else from the same sheet. But no, it only works once, out of two... if you have any idea what's not working...? PS : Strange update, when I interact with another input between the try, it work everytime... < script type = "text/worker" > on('change:frame-crew1-pattern', function() { getAttrs(['frame-crew1-pattern'], function(values) { const patternValue = parseInt(values['frame-crew1-pattern']) || 0; if (patternValue > 0) { getSectionIDs('repeating_crewfamiliy', function(ids) { if (patternValue <= ids.length) { const selectedRowID = ids[patternValue - 1]; const attributesToFetch = [ `repeating_crewfamiliy_${selectedRowID}_crew-name`, `repeating_crewfamiliy_${selectedRowID}_crew-repair` ]; getAttrs(attributesToFetch, function(rowValues) { const crewName = rowValues[`repeating_crewfamiliy_${selectedRowID}_crew-name`] || 'Unnamed'; const crewRepair = parseInt(rowValues[`repeating_crewfamiliy_${selectedRowID}_crew-repair`]) || 0; setAttrs({ 'frame-crew1-name': crewName, 'frame-crew1-repair': crewRepair }); }); } }); } }); }); </ script >