Sure is, the target call can point to abilities on the sheet of the linked sheet, and you can have multiple calls for the same target - %{target|Select a Bell|ability-name}, for instance, appended to your macro, will fire ability-name on the linked sheet of the targeted token. EDIT: But firing a macro simply by clicking a token without prior setup is out of the realm of macros. Might be doable with scripts, though? EDIT2: You could even do this without a character sheet linked to the bells, by saving the macro in a token bar and calling that bar value. EDIT3: Or you could have a single character sheet with all the bells linking to the same one, and have a prefix attribute %{ in the sheet, and calling the combination of the prefix and the token name (or a token bar) to refer to an ability, as @{target|prefix}@{target|character_name}|@{target|token_name}}, with the ability containing the final macro sharing the name with the token.