Hey there! I dug around in the Cosmere RPG and played around with some of the roll templates. I haven't seen them posted, so I thought I would share some examples here. You can use these to build Abilities for characters or paste them into chat, but the NPC and PC examples below require a valid character to function. Every character has a "template_start" attribute that is passed to the chat to make the template function. Not every section needs to be included; you can always omit the title or description, for example. In every case I've seen so far, the template_start attribute is: @{whisper}&{template:Stormlight_Archives} {{character_name=@{character_name}}} {{character_id=@{character_id}}} NB: Some attributes and how they work are in another post below . General Template The general template appears to be: @{whisper}&{template:Stormlight_Archives} {{character_name=@{character_name}}} {{character_id=@{character_id}}} {{title=<text>}} {{subtitle=<text>}} {{^{target}=<text>}} {{roll=<roll>}} {{defense=<defense>}} {{traits=<text>}} {{^{range}=<text>}} {{plot_die=<roll>}} {{damage=<roll>}} {Damage_type=<text>}} {{description=text}} NPC Examples Attack @{Nimbleform Singer|template_start} {{title=Mace}} {{^{target}=one target}} {{plot_die=[[1d6]]}} {{roll=[[1d20 + 5]]}} {{^{range}=5 ft.}} Action & Reaction @{Nimbleform Singer|template_start} {{title=Chosen Target}} {{description=Thenimbleformsinger chooses an enemy they can sense within 120 feet of them. For 1 hour, when the nimbleform hits their chosen enemy with a weapon attack, they deal an extra 3 (1d6) damage. In addition, the nimbleform singer gains an advantage on Survival tests to track that enemy.}} {{^{target}=one target}} Skill @{Nimbleform Singer|template_start} {{title=agility}} {{roll=[[1d20 + 5]]}} @{Nimbleform Singer|template_start} {{title=agility}} {{roll=[[1d20 + 5]]}} {{plot_die=[[1d6]]}} Traits @{Nimbleform Singer|template_start} {{title=Keen Senses}} {{description=When the nimbleform singer makes a Per- ception test, they can spend 1 focus to gain an advantage.}} PC Examples Expertise @{Jomari|template_start} {{title=Knives}} {{description=You can use a knife's expert traits.}} Recovery Die @{Abena|template_start} {{title=^{recovery}}} {{roll=[[@{Abena|recovery_die}]]}} Attack @{Abena|template_start} {{title=Shortspear}} {{roll=[[1d20 + @{Abena|light_weapons}]]}} {{defense=physical}} {{traits=Two-handed, melee}} {{^{range}=Thrown (20'60')}} {{plot_die=[[1d6]]}} {{damage=[[1d8+5]]}} {{damage_type=keen}} Skill @{Abena|template_start} {{title=agility}} {{roll=[[1d20 + 3]]}} {{plot_die=[[1d6]]}} Talent @{Abena|template_start} {{title=Seek Quarry}} {{description=Seek Quarry During a short or long rest, choose a character that you can sense or that you have encountered previously as your quarry. It remains your quarry until you choose to end this effect as ▷. You gain an advantage on tests to find, attack, and scrutinize your quarry (including the Gain Advantage action test).}} {{^{cost}=}} {{^{actions}=special}} @{Abena|template_start} {{title=Tagging Shot}} {{description=Move up to 5 feet and make a ranged attack vs. a target (+5 vs Physical). On a hit or graze, the target takes damage as normal and becomes your quarry.}} {{^{cost}=}} {{^{actions}=3 actions}}