What macros are you looking for? Unfortunately, because the 2024 sheet uses the Beacon architecture, there will be a lot of elements that will not be exposed to the chat interface, and will be have to hard coded into the sheet itself (at least, that's my understanding... I'm not a sheet developer). As far as I can tell at this time, the only macros you'll be able to create will be attribute calls. If you go onto the Advanced Tools tab, and click on Attributes, you'll see an alphabetical list of attributes on the sheet. The first one is 'ac', and you can reference that by clicking on a selected token and using @{selected|ac} to get the value in chat. It doesn't appear that players will be able to reference any of those attributes directly on the character sheet, such as by putting @{ac} or @{selected|ac} in the description field of an attack. I even tried putting the attribute call in an Ability button format "[AC](@{selected|ac})" and that is broken as well. Will macros eventually be usable on the D&D 5E (2024) sheet, or any other Beacon sheets? Maybe. But it looks like the direction is heading towards the sheet creators hard coding macros into the sheets, instead of giving players flexibility to create their own. We're all just going to have to wait and see. The sheet doesn't even have the ability to level up characters, and there are a ton of bugs still being fixed.