Hi all I'm struggling with some things in the Roll Template - specifically with a way to show more information from a Roll Table. I'm designing my own Roll Template and Character sheet for a transfer of a game from Tabletop to Roll20. Ive got 2 Questions, and if there is no positive answer to question 1, then its onto Question 2 1) I'm pretty sure I know the answer - but is there a way to display the Images from a Roll Table in a Roll Template? The Images would solve this issue immediately. If no, then #2 2) This needs more explanation: Each Weapon has a characteristic, called Firepower, and its a number that ranges from 1 to 3 {Weapon01_RF} - This is the number of Firepower Dice you should roll. Firepower dice have 6 sides, but a strange layout of results 1 = Jam but counts as 1 Shot 2 & 3 = 1 Shot 4 & 5 = 2 Shots 6 = 3 Shots So, this is what Ive put into a Roll Table called Firepower with lovely pictures of the Dice face which make it obvious. Explanation: When a player shoots their gun, they roll a number of firepower dice, and this decides how many shots they get. If they have a Firepower of 2 or 3, then they add the dice results together leading to a result from Jam +1 to 9 Shots depending upon the weapon. So, because the pictures and the way that Tables in Roll Templates work 2 things happen which I do not want. a) They convert the tables to numbers, and display those numbers b) When they add them, they "hide" the Jams So, Ive created a Roll Template which is blatantly stolen from the Stargate one. Im aware that you can have sections that are hidden, and that the Stargate one uses that fact. If there is no Text put into desc for example it wont show the description field. <rolltemplate class="sheet-rolltemplate-necRanged"> <div class="sheet-container sheet-color-{{color}}"> <div class="sheet-header"> {{#title}}<div class="sheet-title"><img class="sheet-NecroLogo" src="<a href="https://i.imgur.com/K7Jd5kc.png" rel="nofollow">https://i.imgur.com/K7Jd5kc.png</a>" alt="Necromunda"> </div>{{/title}} {{#title}}<div class="sheet-title">{{title}}<img class="sheet-phoenix" src="<a href="https://i.imgur.com/kSNiWz9.png" rel="nofollow">https://i.imgur.com/kSNiWz9.png</a>" alt="Ranged Shot"> </div>{{/title}} {{#subtitle}}<div class="sheet-subtitle">{{subtitle}}</div>{{/subtitle}} {{#RapidFire}}<div class="sheet-RapidFire">{{RapidFire}}</div>{{/RapidFire}} </div> <div class="sheet-content"> {{#allprops() title subtitle desc color}} <div class="sheet-key">{{key}}</div> <div class="sheet-value">{{value}}</div> {{/allprops() title subtitle desc color}} {{#desc}}<div class="sheet-desc">{{desc}}</div>{{/desc}} </div> </div> </rolltemplate> So, I have made a RapidFire section (Named something else so as not to confuse the Firepower key word Ive used elsewhere) What I would like to do, is have RapidFire section (or line) display a number of times = the Firepower of the Weapon. Below is my Macro that does not do what I want it to &{template:necRanged}} {{title=@{selected|character_name}&#39;s @{selected|Weapon01_name}}} {{subtitle=with a [[?{Range|Short,@{selected|Weapon01_AccS}|Long,@{selected|Weapon01_AccL}}+?{Additional To Hit Modifiers|No,0|+1,1|+2,2|+3,3|+4,4|+5,5|-1,-1|-2,-2|-3,-3|-4,-4|-5,-5}]] to hit modifier}} {{Short Range=0'' -> @{selected|Weapon01_RngS}'' with a @{selected|Weapon01_AccS} modifier}} {{Long Range=@{selected|Weapon01_RngS}'' -> @{selected|Weapon01_RngL}'' with a @{selected|Weapon01_AccL} modifier}} {{Attack Roll= [[1D6+@{selected|BS_bonus}+?{Range|Short,@{selected|Weapon01_AccS}|Long,@{selected|Weapon01_AccL}}+?{Additional To Hit Modifiers|No, 0|+1,1|+2,2|+3,3|+4,4|+5,5|-1,-1|-2,-2|-3,-3|-4,-4|-5,-5}]] v&#39;s a BS of @{selected|BS}+ }} {{Weapon Strength= @{selected|Weapon01_Str}}} {{RapidFire=[[1t[Firepower] ]]}} {{RapidFire=[[[[@{selected|Weapon01_RF}-1]] t[Firepower] ]]}} {{RapidFire=[[[[@{selected|Weapon01_RF}-2]]t[Firepower] ]]}} {{desc= @{selected|Weapon01_Traits} }} Below is an easier to read version &{template:necRanged}} {{title=@{selected|character_name}&#39;s @{selected|Weapon01_name}}} {{subtitle=with a [[?{Range|Short,@{selected|Weapon01_AccS}|Long,@{selected|Weapon01_AccL}}+?{Additional To Hit Modifiers|No,0|+1,1|+2,2|+3,3|+4,4|+5,5|-1,-1|-2,-2|-3,-3|-4,-4|-5,-5}]] to hit modifier}} {{Short Range=0'' -> @{selected|Weapon01_RngS}'' with a @{selected|Weapon01_AccS} modifier}} {{Long Range=@{selected|Weapon01_RngS}'' -> @{selected|Weapon01_RngL}'' with a @{selected|Weapon01_AccL} modifier}} {{Attack Roll= [[1D6+@{selected|BS_bonus}+?{Range|Short,@{selected|Weapon01_AccS}|Long,@{selected|Weapon01_AccL}}+?{Additional To Hit Modifiers|No, 0|+1,1|+2,2|+3,3|+4,4|+5,5|-1,-1|-2,-2|-3,-3|-4,-4|-5,-5}]] v&#39;s a BS of @{selected|BS}+ }} {{Weapon Strength= @{selected|Weapon01_Str}}} {{RapidFire=[[1t[Firepower] ]]}} {{RapidFire=[[[[@{selected|Weapon01_RF}-1]] t[Firepower] ]]}} {{RapidFire=[[[[@{selected|Weapon01_RF}-2]]t[Firepower] ]]}} {{desc= @{selected|Weapon01_Traits} }} Simply put, how do I get my Roll Template to put in a line for each Firepower Roll? I hope this makes sense