I have a script for Lay on Hands that works, but there is a strange glitch. It doesn't effect the resulting totals, but unsure why it exists. Here is the code: --c?{What function do you want to use?|Healing|Remove Condition}|Healing:>Heal|Remove Condition:>Remove|
--=MaxAttempted|?{Number of points to Heal}
--=Attempted|[$MaxAttempted] {MAX:[$Available.Raw]}
--=hpMissing|[*T:t-bar1_max] - [*T:t-bar1_value]
--=Used|[$Attempted] {MAX:[$hpMissing.Raw]}
--=Remaining|[$Available] - [$Used]
--+Lay on Hands Pool|[$Available]
--+Healing Pts Used|[$Used] ([$MaxAttempted.Raw] pts. attempted)
--+Lay on Hands Pool Remaining|[$Remaining]
--@modattr|_charid [*S:character_id] _class_resource|-[$Used]
--@token-mod| _ids @{target|Who is Healed|token_id} _set bar1_value|+?{Number of points to Heal}!
--=MaxAttempted|?{Number of conditions to remove}
--=Attempted|[$MaxAttempted]*5 {MAX:[$Available.Raw]}
--=Remaining|[$Available] - [$CRUsed]
--+Lay on Hands Pool|[$Available]
--+Points Used|[$CRUsed] ([$MaxAttempted.Raw] conditions removed)
--+Lay on Hands Pool Remaining|[$Remaining]
--@modattr|_charid [*S:character_id] _class_resource|-[$CRUsed]
--x| What's happening is that regardless which "What function you want to use?" you choose,.. both popups for "How many?" come up. Only the "function" you choose effects the results,.. (e.g. pts. applied and deducted from resource). pick.. Heal? it only applies HP to target, and removes what You input... pick Remove Condition? it only removes 5 pts. per number of conditions you input. Even though it asks "Both" how many's... it seems to ignore any input into the wrong query. So.. it works,.. just has that issue with "query'ing" for both functions, even though it ignores the unchosen one. I can't find why it's doing this. BTW - it doesn't actually do anything when removing conditions,.. just deducts the correct amount of points from the casters resource.