Is it possible to style part of a rolltemplate with something generated in that template? All the templates I've seen have a fixed value (like, say, {{colour=green}}). Using custom roll parsing, it's possible to generate a roll but is there any way to add that back into a rolltemplate in the format you can actually use in a rolltemplate? I want to create a CSS class (or any method that works) with the product of a roll. I have a roll that generates a label "Superb", and using custom roll parsing, this is the product of {{computed::total}} . In naiively thought I'd be able to do class=" sheet- {{computed::total}}" but that generates : class="span class="inlinerollresult showtip tipsy-n-right fullfail" original-title="<img src=&quot;/images/quantumrollwhite.png&quot; class=&quot;inlineqroll&quot;> Rolling 1d6-1d6 + 0[Compel] + 0[Rank] + 0[Modifier] + 0[Power] = (<span class=&quot;basicdiceroll&quot;>4</span>)-(<span class=&quot;basicdiceroll critfail &quot;>1</span>)+0+0+0+0">Superb</span>" That is not what I want!