Going to give a different view on the nested elements question. Nesting elements is one of the core features of html. It can be taken to extremes, but nesting an input and it's label in the same container is often the right call; and allows easy layout styling with things like CSS flexbox and CSS grid. What you don't want to do though is 1) have text directly in a div or 2) have that label be just text with the input next to it. I'd do your html like: <label class="subcontainer_scrip">
<input class="line-box8" type="number" name="attr_scrip">
</label> This will allow you to style the text, input, and the container independently. It also allows you to add translations to your sheet by adding a data-i18n property to the span. Changing the div to a label makes it so users can click on the input itself or the text label to move their cursor into the input and start typing. To style it so that the text is aligned with the input's bottom, you can simply use flexbox: .subcontainer_scrip{
display: flex;
align-items: end;