Welcome to Baldur’s Gate. The Halfway to Everywhere. The City of Blood. Whatever you reason for coming here, the city of ambition, corruption and murder embroils you in a plot that takes you from the shadowy alleys of the city to the front lines of the Blood War.

Descend into the 9 hells to uncover the truth of what happened to Elturel, outwit the infernal bargains of devils, outscheme the archdevil Zariel herself. Should you manage this and live, the plot only thickens. Descend ever deeper into the hells until you finally face the Lord of Hell himself: Asmodeus.  

Whether you are brand new to D&D or have been playing for decades, this game is for you, open to all levels of experience and skill. Join now and together we will weave a tale for the ages in this epic, nine hells-spanning adventure.

About me:

I’m Tyler and I’m glad you took the time to read this post!
Here is my link in Roll20: https://app.roll20.net/users/105305/eldritchechoes
I can be reached at Discord: shadowedEchoes Email: EldritchEchoes77@gmail.com

Here is a TL:DR I have been running and playing TTRPGs since the early 90s. I have run every version of D&D from original Second Edition onwards, along with scores of other TTRPGs. I ran a liveplay show on Twitch and YouTube that put out shows daily for 3 years. I have run professional games for Onyx Path Publishing. Free League, several Indy publishers, and at Dragon Con. I have written professionally for Mage the Ascension 20th Anniversary edition and the They Came From series of TTRPGs. I have also written for several games on Storyteller’s Vault and DMs Guild. My tables are open to everyone and are all inclusive. All experiences levels of any game are welcome. Safety tools are always used and the story always comes before the dice.

What you can expect:

I run sandbox games that revolve around the players. There will always be a theme, a main story arc, and many hooks and opportunities for adventure in open, living and vibrant worlds, but the story always revolves around the characters and the choices they make. There are always many ways to reach solutions and never a forced ending. The story will always have priority over dice rolls and the dice are always integrated into the story instead of detracting from it. Session 0 or your first session if you join an ongoing campaign is always free.

Some of my stories are homebrew and some are modules. Modules may come from older editions of games updated to the current edition, or brand-new content. Some from publishers of the game system, some from amazing products sold online by third parties. I do sometimes run shorter games but I prefer full campaigns and/or chronicle length tales. There is no level cap. As long as the group is still having fun and being challenged, the story continues.

In my games you will benefit from any compendiums available in Roll20 that I own and allow, as well as full ambient music, maps, tokens, and always immersive roleplaying.

Roll20 is not responsible for any payment transactions and cannot enforce any private arrangements.

How to join an awesome story:

Here are the most basic requirements:

You are 18 or over unless specifically stated otherwise elsewhere in the post.

You are ok with 3 to 4 hour session lengths that meet once a week.

You are ok with games that use safety tools including red and yellow lines.

You have a decent microphone.  Video is available, but optional.

You have a Roll20 account.

You have a Discord account.

Ready to go?? Message me and let's make it happen!

Charge is $15 per session per player

Here is the Roll20l Link: https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/410883/descent-into-avernus-and-chains-of-asmodeus

I hope to see you in game!