I wish to inquire if it's at all possible to have ChatSetAttr set the value of several attributes with a single input As it is currently, a normal example of ChatSet is: !setattr --charid @{player|character_id} --silent --att1|value1 --att2|value2 (example): !setattr --charid @{Vergil|character_id} --silent --HP||250 --temp_HP|250 You can also do [[1d4]] in the input sections as well if you want it to change to something unique. However, say you want a single [[1d4]] roll to affect multiple attributes, say --hp and --temp_hp, if I run --hp|[[1d4]] --temp_hp|[[1d4]], Both may have differing results. What I want to know is, can you make it so that one [[1d4]] can affect multiple attributes? say ie --hp&temp_hp|[[1d4]], and both hp and temp_hp share the result of the singular 1d4?