Through simple cut & paste, I can get either "Jakob's Better Default Rolltemplate" added to my character sheet, or I can get the Roll Parsing examples from the Wiki to trigger on critical success/failure. However, I cannot figure out to add the roll parsing helper functions, such as "{{#rollWasCrit() <rollname>}}", to Jakob's template. Can anyone help me with that? The custom roll template I currently have working is below. <rolltemplate class="sheet-rolltemplate-custom"> <div class="sheet-container sheet-color-{{color}}"> <div class="sheet-header"> {{#title}}<div class="sheet-title">{{title}}</div>{{/title}} {{#subtitle}}<div class="sheet-subtitle">{{subtitle}}</div>{{/subtitle}} </div> <div class="sheet-content"> {{#allprops() title subtitle desc color}} <div class="sheet-key">{{key}}</div> <div class="sheet-value">{{value}}</div> {{/allprops() title subtitle desc color}} {{#desc}}<div class="sheet-desc">{{desc}}</div>{{/desc}} </div> </div> </rolltemplate>