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LFP D&D 3.5 - DM Extraordinaire - Home Brew [Paid] - Doom On The Rise - Monday Nights 6-10 pm MT (Canada) Two Seats Open - 5th Level Gestalt Game

Allow me to introduce myself… I’m John, DM extraordinaire (over 40,000 hours on R20). Feel free to check out my profile on r20. Jump to the juice and just email me -&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Or Discord if you prefer taibhsear #7908 I’ll give you a quick summary. I’m 52 and from Canada (Toronto originally, but don’t hold that against me). I’ve been DMing since October 1991. I run D&amp;D 3.5 exclusively. Seriously, you can’t even pay me to play 5e anymore. I’ve run dozens of campaigns and games and still love it. Most of my content is homebrew and unique to my game, although I have borrowed from many sources over the years. Doom On The Rise &nbsp;- This campaign will take place beyond The Red Line to the west of Himkaldur in and around Highside. A great evil has been brewing in Vragernash since The War of Four Kingdoms ended. That evil is now stirring and lashing out. <a href=";list=PL_r6JrdKPLFUSHowAm6jI_HiHVFYAhDtP" rel="nofollow">;list=PL_r6JrdKPLFUSHowAm6jI_HiHVFYAhDtP</a> The Setting Depending on which game you join, you may be in one of many areas of Thera (the world). Most of my games have occurred in Multras, the primary human continent. Multras is split into five portions (east, west, north, south, and central), each with its own trade language (eastern common, western common, northern common, southern common, and central common), kingdoms, and empires. Some of these kingdoms resemble medieval European countries like France and Germany, and some are completely unique, like the Banite Theocracy of Kallum, but they all have their own language and culture. The East Marches is a large archipelago east of Multras, about 2400 miles across (covering 40 degrees of latitude). Like Multras, it reaches from the tropics to the Arctic Circle. Unlike Multras, this chain of interconnected islands is not dominated by humans. Although they rule many areas, they are separated by vast stretches of wilderness filled with all manner of creatures, both friendly and aggressive. Far to the west of Multras is the home of the elves. While the elves spread across Thera from its birth, most hail from Varanyr (Var-RAIN-nir). These are primarily sylvan elves who live off the land and seek to maintain their culture and traditions. They have a good relationship with the high elves of Varanyr, who they outnumber 100 to 1. To the south, across the maelstrom known as Umberlee’s Playground, is the dwarven homeland of Ardokhan (Ar-do-khan). The ocean around the equator is impassible by ships but it does not matter as Ardokhan has no ports, just sheer cliffs rising up from the ocean floor. There is one mundane way to travel to and from Ardokhan: the great highway, a tunnel under the ocean that opens up in Southern Multras. The tunnel entrance has been held by the mountain dwarves for over five millennia. Flanking Ardokhan are the goblin and orc savage lands of Krozago (Kro-ZAGO) and Bruhazavo (Bru-HA-save). Krozago is the homeland of the goblinoids, and Bruhazavo is the heart of the orc horde. While neither race controls these continents entirely, their presence is unmistakable. &nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Expectations &nbsp; I run open, sandbox, player-centric original content games. The main theme is established, and the story is there, but the players choose to engage in these elements, and I let the players write their own tales. I'm indifferent about the outcome, which seems to surprise many players. I don't care how the story unfolds; although I try to make the most dramatic things happen, the dice and the players' actions are the final arbiters. On that note, I roll everything openly. Players only roll secret checks if they wish to conceal an action or outcome. Some of my games are based on themes and ideas I’ve come up with, and others are picked by the players. I play many different styles of games. I’m open to basically anything. If you have an idea for a campaign, don’t be afraid to present it. When I have time, I make most of my own maps and custom tokens for each player. I detail my loot with the players in mind. I roll randomly, but I like juicy drops, so I often pick the next thing on the table if it looks sweet. &nbsp; Rates &nbsp; Most games will be $20 (minimum) per session, but games with fewer players (less than 5), longer games (6+ hours), and higher-level games will have increased costs. $4 per hour&nbsp; (with a group of 5) &nbsp; of gameplay (5th-9th level). $5 per hour&nbsp; (with a group of 5) &nbsp; of gameplay (10th-14th level). $6 per hour&nbsp; (with a group of 5) &nbsp; of gameplay (15th-19th). $7 per hour&nbsp; (with a group of 5) &nbsp; of gameplay (20th+). My games have no level limit and we continue on as long as the players wish to play. Payment is made via PayPal. Roll20 is not responsible for any payment transactions and cannot enforce any private arrangements. My noob game is free to play if you want to try it out and meet some of the other players. I can also run a session zero if you have a group and want to do a one-shot. Getting Started Before you contact me make sure: You are 18 or over. You’re willing to play D&amp;D for 4+ hours a week. You own a microphone of decent quality. You have Roll20 account. You have Discord account.
They found the remains of two humanoids in the Underdark, but strangely only brought the bones of the human lord back (such racists), and took those remains to Lord Cluz of Grole. He later confirmed that they were his son's remains, so they decided to investigate his disappearance as they think it might be connected to their abduction. They left the kender's remains behind but brought his family patch and returned it to his family. They are unsure who it belongs to as they have 6 males unaccounted for at the moment due to wanderlust.
After returning the signet ring of Tolme Cluz, to his father, they decide to track his movements before his disappearance in the hope that it will&nbsp;lead them to clues about their abductions.
This is one of my favourite tricks. The party spots a coin or gem, followed by another and another. The path leads to the edge of a small spring. I think you can figure out what's hiding in the spring...
They've already discovered evidence of owlbears in the area so it won't come as a surprise when one charges them next session.