Hello there! Don't know if this has been done already, if so, I can't seem to find it. I want to automate an attack macro that allows my players (as a token action) to click on their token, roll an attack, click on a target, and have the result let them know if it's a hit or a miss without revealing the target's AC. I don't have Mentor status, so I can't use API. This is what I'm using now: @{selected|token_name} attacks @{target|token_name}, rolling [[1d20+?{modifier|0}+@{selected|MeleeBonus|0}]] vs AC @{target|ArmorClass}! So this rolls the attack, and then the target's AC comes up in the chat window, just for quick reference for me, but then I'm still having to look it up on the attack matrix table (using the OSRIC rules for to-hit tables). I'm using OSRIC, so I don't want the answer, "just use 2e, and it will work." If the answer for 1e is "it can't be done," then so be it. I was just wondering if it's possible. Thanks (in advance) for your constructive input.