I've built a character sheet ability and tried to use css styling to change from the pink buttons to a link style appearance. It works fine, other than the first button item instead displays the css code. Here is the macro text: /w GM &{template:2Edefault} {{subtitle=@{selected|character_name}}} {{name=Spellbook of}} {{**First Level Spells** [Analyze Balance](~Kromdar Drarthevohk|S1-Analyze-Balance"style=border:none;background-color:transparent;padding:0px;color:#3452eb;font-weight:bold;") [Astral Celerity](~Kromdar Drarthevohk|S1-Astral-Celerity"style=border:none;background-color:transparent;padding:0px;color:#3452eb;font-weight:bold;") } } And here is what is displayed in the chat menu: Is there a way to correct this issue? Thanks, Max