Hello, and thanks for your interest in my game. I go by JohnBoi or JBoi here and I have been playing tabletop role-playing games for nearly 10 years while being a DM for DnD 5th edition for a majority of those years. Mostly my games have been a balance of role-play and combat with open player and DM conversations for possibilities for the game/character. I'm ready and excited to start my fourth homebrew campaign and am looking to run it with same brand new fac- er voices. (Yes this game is voice only on my Discord server). All over 18+ are welcome to apply as my games are meant for mature audiences due to certain themes that are mentioned for adults but will not be emphasized during play. The game begins Dec 6th and will be a weekly occurrence every Friday starting at 4 PM PST. We start at lvl 2 and the plan is to go up to the mid-teens so commitment is a must. A brief overview of the game: The continent of Genilludre is a highly contested landscape for resources and strategic control. To prevent aggression, political upheaval, and maintain peace and order throughout the land, the nations of the occupying Genilludre have set up an independent task force to monitor and investigate political, economical, and social matters as a neutral third party between other nations. The Peacekeepers of Genilludre are a respected group of "professional problem solvers" and are constantly looking for individuals to join their ranks in keeping order on the continent. Will you heed the call for peace? If you are interested please leave a brief description about yourself and what kind of game you are expecting. Finally leave your Discord tag and if I find you as a possible player I will DM you. Thanks for reading my post and you have a good one.