This would be awesome. And, BTW, there's a Foundry module that does this but I'm a die-hard Roll20 user and I need this function!!! Instead of me, the GM making hidden rolls on behalf of a player without them knowing there was even a roll, or the player rolling and seeing the result (and, therefore, being able to guess whether they succeeded or not), I'd rather the player make those rolls but not know the result . This increases player engagement and makes them feel part of the game while allowing the GM to describe the result without the player having a clue whether or not that description is accurate. For a D&D example: The PC enters a glade in a forest and the player says, "Do I see anything in the bushes ahead?" Of course, at this point, the DM usually says, "Make a perception check." The player rolls and gets a 4 that is visible to everyone. Now the DM describes the bush, minus the rope trap concealed there, but all the players know the perception check was failed and that there may still be something in that bush. HOWEVER, if the players couldn't see the results of the roll but the player is still the one who made the roll , the player feels like they did something but the DM describes that bush--minus the rope trap, of course--and the players don't automatically know the roll was a miss. This would be a wonderful tool to have. I beg you, PLEASE make this a thing on Roll20!!! Best, JW