New thread created after the old one was automatically locked due to the time! I'm excited to accept even more players! Hi, friends, We all know that the biggest enemy in Dungeons and
Dragons or other TTRPGs is the scheduling. Myself, having a timezone
that fits EU the best, can have a pretty interesting time in the search
of a group. So, I decided to create a thriving community where EU/UK
players can have fun together without having to pass out at 2-5 AM in
other regional sessions. To my surprise, I have already gathered a
good level of interest from other players that are eager to join and
see where it leads (excited to get things rolling). The server itself
has different utilities such as choosing your main classes for roles,
the region you play on and even tools for DMs to create their own
categories on the server for ⚔️ Campaigns and ⚔️ One Shots by using a
straightforward system. Not only that, but you won't have to read a huge
paragraph of rules. Last but not least, the server is English. If
you are interested in giving it a try, please write a reply in this
thread with the following format and I will contact you if accepted: • Name: • Age: • Country: • What's your experience: • Anything else about yourself (Optional): What I recommend doing before applying is: • Make sure you are over the age of 18 since this is exclusive to the community. • Copy and fill everything (you can leave the optional part out if you wish). •
Try to add a decent amount of information. While I don't mind giving
everyone a chance, applications that have a few words in them will most
likely not be accepted. I don't intend to stop sending out
invitations, so don't worry; you will not be late! Will this be your new
home? Maybe. Is that something I want to do for you? Definitely. ❤️ Since my last post about this community, we have grown by the hundreds!