Age: 28 Time Zone: Central Time USA Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: Fridays and Saturdays, at least twice a month, 9:30pm and later Term: long term Voice: Yup! Game System Preferred: DnD 5e (2014) Game System Experience: DnD 5e 2014 - 10 years experience Call of Cthulhu 7th Ed - 3 years experience Pathfinder 1st Ed - 1 year experience Character Type Preferred: I'd really like to play either a rogue or fighter. I can fill any role needed though. About me: I've been a forever DM for about 5 years now and I'm ready to play as a character again haha. I'm very into a healthy mix of roleplay and tactical type games. I like serious stories and RP, but enjoy jokes and silly moments too. I'm a huge Forgotten Realms lore nerd and would prefer to play in a game set in an established setting. My dream campaign is Curse of Strahd, but I'm willing to play in a homebrew story set in the Forgotten Realms, Greyhawk, Ebberon, etc… I like rules as written but I am by no means a rules lawyer, and I'd like to avoid too much homebrew. Outside of DnD, I'm a huge book nerd, reading entirely just Fantasy and Hard Science Fiction, love movies, video games and anime. I'm married and have kids, so I'm only really available to play later in the evening after everybody is in bed. If you have any other questions let me know!