My name : Brian Johnson Your Discord username: bcjohnson0311 Can you commit to play every other Sunday 6:00pm cst starting 11/17/24 & will be able to complete the Campaign? : Talked it over with my significant other, and she is okay with it. As far as we can tell, barring rl emergencies, it should work great. I do have a son that will be born around Valentines Day, so depending I may miss a session around that time. What was the 10 th way Players Ruin Games from DM Lair’s video: I thought it was the crippling indecision that was #10, but I see it might have been the bs players pull to justify stupid stuff i.e. That's what my character would do! (Great, and this is what my world would do to you lol) What is your Age?: I'm 42 and have played a Darksun campaign before. Pretty sure it can't be darker than that setting lol. I like both slightly silly and mature themes ("R-rated, not X-rated) What is your Experience with D&D 5E: Pretty decent exp. With 5e. Played in a Adventure league group pre COVID, also CoS, beginning of Mines, ect. What is your Experience with other RPG’s: 2e, 3 & 3.5e, little bit of both Pathfinder and starfinder. Oh, yeah and video games starting way back with Curse of the Azure Bonds on the commodore 64. Really don't prefer video games, but sometimes you have to deal. I have never played BG3, nor have I ever played in Greyhawk. Most of my exp. is in Forgotten Realms, Dragonlance, Darksun, or homebrew. How much Experience do you have using Roll20: Not much, want to learn as eventually I would like to try and DM with it. I have used FG some in the past, but definitely still have a lot to learn. Will you be able to use Discord?: Absolutely! Will probably use my phone for Discord and run Roll20 off my laptop. Party needs a cleric and a tank: Are we starting at lvl. 1? Multiclassing allowed? What sources? I can play just about anything that is needed. Knowledge cleric is on my list. Trying to shy away from medium/heavy armor for obvious reasons lol. I would love to talk more about everything if I make the short list. Really hope I do. Thanks for your time, and thanks for running games for poor folk lol.