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Character Sheet Requests

Forum Champion
Craig B. said: Idk if there is something stopping R20 from releasing a Werewolf the Apocalypse 5E character sheet?? It's only been a couple of years. I'd like to stay here using   R20 and there have been many  requests and threads over the years.  The majority of character sheets are community or Publisher created. Roll20 has only created a handful of sheets. I suggest contacting the Publisher and asking them to make the sheet. 
Any chance for Official Savage Worlds Sheet gain custom encubrance rules? The old forum was closed. Would be nice to have it more customizable for different setting rules
Hi creators, making a new gangster/mafia RPG game, which needs a basic character sheet with artwork please. Game info:&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Realistically speaking, how much would I need to shell out money wise to put a bounty out on the Dyskami Publishing Anime 5e sheet? They said they were going to look for someone to make the sheet but it's been 2 years and part of the reason I backed the project was because I thought it would have Roll20 compatibility. I was thinking $100 or $150 but if it's not possible because we need to wait for the publisher or some other complication then I would like to know.

Edited 1731213267
Sheet Author
Hi Ivvilon, IME it really depends on what you are needing, wanting, expecting... A sheet like the D&amp;D 5e (2014) is actually a very complex sheet and would probably take a skilled sheet author weeks or more to build.&nbsp; It's not uncommon for skilled programmers to charge $50+/hr&nbsp; So complex sheets could cost $2-4K just do to the number of hours required.&nbsp; Less complex sheets, say something that does not require lots of programming (ie auto calculations, complicated roll templates, translation code, etc.) are going to be much less costly. Probably more like $200-1K&nbsp; A single page sheet with basic rolls, a few sheet calcs, and basic roll template is probably going to cost about $250. This is why the majority of sheets are community created and done as a labor of love for the particular rpg system.&nbsp; It also helps if an author is familiar with the rpg, especially for more complex systems. If you still want to go the route of commissioning a sheet, it's best to state exactly what you are expecting so that someone with the proper skills can make their best estimate on cost.
Request for the When the Wolf Comes rpg character sheet&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Requesting Vampire the Masquerade Victorian age character sheet but adapted from the 20th anniversary (so no Dodge as a Skill). Bounty: 50 USD (or your local currency equivalent)
I bought a year of pro edition because I wanted to DM for my siblings, and the allure of custom player sheets. I was Unaware that I would have to know how to code. I have 0 clue what im doing. I understand there are some pokemon themed player sheets already, but i wanted something more simple, and nothing already existsing fit my needs. This is the layout I created in Google sheets, and through use of ChatGPT I have CSS code that places the image and attempts to overlay Editable fields, but I do not know how properly format that into this message properly, due to my lack of knowledge. Help would be greatly appreciated, whether it be just remaking from scratch or getting what I currently have to try and use.

Edited 1733440384
Hello, I'm here to request an Outgunned Character Sheet. The Broken Compass Sheet can be use as a base for Outgunned and the work will be more easy,&nbsp; only add Adrenaline and Spotlight mechanisms.&nbsp; The game has a great potential and is multi-genre. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
I would be so happy if someone could develop a sheet for Arcanis Shattered Empies ARG (the non-DnD 5E set). Someone already developed a sheet for Rotting Capes and that would provide a perfect start as the two systems are very similar. Thanks Max
Hey, I just noticed this part of the Forum and was wondering if people know a way to play Promethium system-based games. I am more asking because I am trying to find a place to run a Ys age of Heroes game here.
I am all in for a Boot Hill 3e character sheet, I will pay whatever the going rate is. Below are images from a fillable pdf that fits the bill. link to fillable pdf :&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I know I'm not the only one still playing this sweet old game (best combat system pound for pound in all of RPG land) and interested in a functional character sheet if someone is interested in tackling this let PM me and we can discuss price.&nbsp; .
Hi, I'm thinking about running a game of Green Ronin's A Song of Ice and Fire Roleplaying. The game itself is out of print now because of end of licensing deal, but a generic variant continues as Sword Chronicle - Feudal Fantasy Roleplaying . Currently, there are two community made character sheets for SIFRP on Roll20, but I would LOVE to see a House sheet on here as well. Thanks for reading and considering!
Marketplace Creator
Victoriana is coming out in a 5e-version soon. It would be great to have a character sheet for this.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I'm considering creating a system-less character sheet - one that is intended to be fairly barebones, but which will allow people to get started with a wide variety of game systems very quickly. Is there any demand for that?

Edited 1736170390
The character sheet output to the chat window from task checks done via the current Harnmaster 3 character sheet (20240927 - Version 3.0.2) is difficult to read, with light grey text (numbers) against yellow, or is it just me?
Sheet Author
Jens said: The character sheet output to the chat window from task checks done via the current Harnmaster 3 character sheet (20240927 - Version 3.0.2) is difficult to read, with light grey text (numbers) against yellow, or is it just me? Hi Jens, this particular forum is primarily to request new characters sheets.&nbsp; I would suggest a polite DM to the Harnmaster v3 sheet author; Olaf explaining the issue.&nbsp; Depending on your response (authors sometimes move on from the platform...) post back to the Character Sheet &amp; Compendium forums and I'm sure someone will help. Cheers
Juan said: Hello, I'm here to request an Outgunned Character Sheet. The Broken Compass Sheet can be use as a base for Outgunned and the work will be more easy,&nbsp; only add Adrenaline and Spotlight mechanisms.&nbsp; The game has a great potential and is multi-genre. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I would love to have an Outgunned sheet here on Roll20!!
There is an app to play virtually, but not an Mothership 1e VTT character sheet for Roll20.&nbsp;Maybe someone on Roll20 or any hobbyist who can program could have mercy on us who can't, and create a digital character sheet for Mothership 1e. We're stuck otherwise. (<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>) /J
A.J. Falcon
Marketplace Creator
Would love a Lord of the Rings 5e Character sheet. I know that is a dream, since its a ton of work, but here's hoping!&nbsp;

Edited 1738141921
Forum Champion
A.J. Falcon said: Would love a Lord of the Rings 5e Character sheet. I know that is a dream, since its a ton of work, but here's hoping!&nbsp; Hi A.J. Falcon,&nbsp; It shouldn't be that much work, one of the many D&amp;D 5e community sheets can be forked and then have the names for the different skills replaced. That appears to be the only difference between the LotR 5e character sheet and the community sheet.&nbsp; In the meantime I'd just use the D&amp;D 5e 2014 by Roll20 character sheet, or one of the community sheets.&nbsp; While you won't be able to replace the names of the skills there are ways around that. Such as using the tools section for those skills.&nbsp; Edit: Looks like you won't even need to do that. The&nbsp;"D&amp;D 5e (Community Contributed)" character sheet has 4 skill slots for custom skills.&nbsp; The skill differences:&nbsp; LotR 5e has: Explore, Hunting, Old Lore, Riddle, and Travel D&amp;D 5e loses:&nbsp;Arcana, History , Religion, Survival I would guess that History and Old Lore are the same, and Survival and Travel are probably pretty close too.&nbsp; I'd probably use History in place of Old Lore, then put Explore, Hunting, Riddle, and Travel in the custom skills.&nbsp;
Sheet Author
Hi,&nbsp; Depending of the sheet forked and changes done, it can be from a four hours jobs up to two day of work.&nbsp; The thing that it's not the work done that will be complex, but the format and&nbsp; complexity &nbsp; of the sheet will be: - You need to ensure that adding/removing those skill will not break an obscure button which appears when you select a specific layout that you never even noticed in the application (been there, done that).&nbsp; - You need to find where you have to change things; Since roll20 community sheets are not an organization, there is no coding/design guidelines and sheets tends to be 10 457 lines of html and 3 240 lines of javascript in one file, along with a disorganised 7 563 line css file. This is by no means a "critique" as this is a "technical complexity" vs "readibility complexity" dilemna that will not be solve soon. - A lot of sheet are still in the legacy system. I'm not sure roll20 would approve a "new" sheet in the legacy system. the Idea of @ Gauss is actually quite good. if Lotr 5e doesn't have specific subsystem (like a completely different magic system, adding vehicles,...) you can be good with using a community sheet or even the standard sheet. This is actually what is doing the naruto 5e community by using the "tool and custom skills" area to write the ninja skills (chakra control, Genjustu, Taijutsu, Ninjutsu).&nbsp;
GiGs said: I'm considering creating a system-less character sheet - one that is intended to be fairly barebones, but which will allow people to get started with a wide variety of game systems very quickly. Is there any demand for that? I think this would be cool.&nbsp; I am having a devil of a time trying to figure out sheet options for lesser known games... Even if it is just a collection of fields you can name and enter a value or data into, would be awesome.

Edited 1740003420
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Jeff K. said: GiGs said: I'm considering creating a system-less character sheet - one that is intended to be fairly barebones, but which will allow people to get started with a wide variety of game systems very quickly. Is there any demand for that? I think this would be cool.&nbsp; I am having a devil of a time trying to figure out sheet options for lesser known games... Even if it is just a collection of fields you can name and enter a value or data into, would be awesome. I was thinking of two editions (inspired by Gold, way back here ), the first version would be fairly simple - a collection of fields you could name - and later would be comre complex. Also, your comment suggests you have tried designing a sheet - look here: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Just wondering if anyone is working on the naruto 5e sheet.
GiGs said: Jeff K. said: GiGs said: I'm considering creating a system-less character sheet - one that is intended to be fairly barebones, but which will allow people to get started with a wide variety of game systems very quickly. Is there any demand for that? I think this would be cool.&nbsp; I am having a devil of a time trying to figure out sheet options for lesser known games... Even if it is just a collection of fields you can name and enter a value or data into, would be awesome. I was thinking of two editions (inspired by Gold, way back here ), the first version would be fairly simple - a collection of fields you could name - and later would be comre complex. Also, your comment suggests you have tried designing a sheet - look here: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Something that would definitely put it above no sheet would be generic repeating lists with a number of data fields. That's the one thing that can't be done with just user-created attributes and macros. Bonus points if header labels could be named from the game-specific sheet settings, so any new characters made in that game would share those headers.
Hello o/ I'm hoping somebody out there would be interested in building a Nimble character sheet. It's a brand new RPG system that just recently got released. It's purpose is to simplify and enhance 5e D&amp;D by making combat faster and more tactical. My players and I have loved it, and we're all planning on moving from 5e to Nimble. So, my hope is that there's a sheet author out there that also fell in love with Nimble.&nbsp; Here's the official website:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Here's the free core rules:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp; Here's a picture of what the Character Sheet looks like

Edited 1740583657
Sheet Author
Another user requested something for Nimble a while back... <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> As per the request, I made up a very simple version at the time. Here's my html/css: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Might work for your needs or as a stepping stone to add onto. Cheers update : the imgur image must have been removed.&nbsp;I've uploaded a new image and updated the url in the css code for the background.&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Try that and let me know if that works? Thanks
Hey there everyone! Anyone know if somebody is working on a character sheet for the Arcane Arcade/XPtoLvl3 Fallout system? If not, this is me humbly requesting one.
Looking for a character sheet that allows multi-SUBclassing.&nbsp; Not just mutli-classing, but sub-classing.&nbsp; In my homebrew campaign, I allow players to take a new subclass within the same class.&nbsp; So a level 6 fighter could have 3 lvls of champion and 3 levels of echo knight.&nbsp; That character would be a lvl 6 fighter, but have the attributes of a lvl 3 champion and the attributes of a lvl 3 echo knight.&nbsp; Attributes don't stack, so no double-dipping on things like channel divinity slots, etc...&nbsp; Would be awesome if one already exists and I just haven't found it yet.&nbsp; Thanks in advance!
Forum Champion
HI NPnorthpaladin,&nbsp; The D&amp;D 5e 2014 by Roll20 sheet can do that.&nbsp;
Hi everyone, On the blog post "Better Content Sharing in Roll20 Characters" Andrew Searles writes that a Cities Without Number character sheet will be released on Feb 20th. When I go to "My Characters" and look for the sheet it doesn't show up. Does anyone know if this has been released already, or if it is delayed? Thank you. attachement:

Edited 1740772056
Forum Champion
bart b. said: Hi everyone, On the blog post "Better Content Sharing in Roll20 Characters" Andrew Searles writes that a Cities Without Number character sheet will be released on Feb 20th. When I go to "My Characters" and look for the sheet it doesn't show up. Does anyone know if this has been released already, or if it is delayed? Thank you. attachement: Could you supply the link to that post? Have you tried one of the other "without Number" character sheets?