A.J. Falcon said: Would love a Lord of the Rings 5e Character sheet. I know that is a dream, since its a ton of work, but here's hoping! Hi A.J. Falcon, It shouldn't be that much work, one of the many D&D 5e community sheets can be forked and then have the names for the different skills replaced. That appears to be the only difference between the LotR 5e character sheet and the community sheet. In the meantime I'd just use the D&D 5e 2014 by Roll20 character sheet, or one of the community sheets. While you won't be able to replace the names of the skills there are ways around that. Such as using the tools section for those skills. Edit: Looks like you won't even need to do that. The "D&D 5e (Community Contributed)" character sheet has 4 skill slots for custom skills. The skill differences: LotR 5e has: Explore, Hunting, Old Lore, Riddle, and Travel D&D 5e loses: Arcana, History , Religion, Survival I would guess that History and Old Lore are the same, and Survival and Travel are probably pretty close too. I'd probably use History in place of Old Lore, then put Explore, Hunting, Riddle, and Travel in the custom skills.