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directly dynamically populating a dropdown from a repeating section

November 20 (3 months ago)

Directly dynamically populating a dropdown from a repeating section on a character sheet is not supported in Roll20?

November 20 (3 months ago)

Edited November 20 (3 months ago)
Sheet Author
API Scripter

No, that kind of dynamic update isn't possible on roll20 character sheets.

You can have multiple predefined lists, and define which list is visible, but the list has to e defined first.

You can also use optlists, which allow a user to build their own list, but I believe those are for unputs, not selects, and only apply per character sheet.

November 20 (3 months ago)

I have written code that allows me to dynamically index my ammo. Thanks to The (other) Aaron pointing me in the right direction it works great, however I am trying to populate a dropdown from a repeating section of weapons. That way my players can choose the ammo they want to shoot on the character sheet. Any suggestions?

November 20 (3 months ago)

Edited November 21 (3 months ago)
Sheet Author
API Scripter

I just noticed we are in the scripting subforum. Are you asking for a character sheet solution (there isn't one) or a script solution (I don't know)?

November 20 (3 months ago)

Edited November 20 (3 months ago)

Naw man.. I already figured it out. I have a solution. I'm just going to have the players put in the name of the ammo manually and it will subtract from the ammo  index which will automatically update the character sheet.  To answer your question, yes I am running a script to do the indexing of the ammo.

Thanks anyway.

November 22 (3 months ago)
Scott C.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator

I'll note that there is actually a solution for this in character sheets using the populateListOptions sheetworker.