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LFP for Pathfinder Rise of the Runelords campaign Tuesdays at 6 PM Central

Please list your experience with Pathfinder and your play style. Also PM your email (and your Skype,as we will be using that for voice chat) so I can invite you if you are chosen. I can't wait to see what players show up :).
is this central as in, 0 gmt? england time zone?
CST CST CDT CDT GMT GMT 18:00 6.00pm 19:00 7.00pm 00:00 Midnight
PM sent.

Edited 1412094872
I'd be interested in joining, if there is a slot I will PM you my skype info :) I am somewhat familiar with pathfinder and really familiar with 3.5e I like to play characters with lots of story, focusing more on roleplay than getting too into combat and min/maxing.
So the three of us just lost our DM for our other weekly tuesday campaign. Looking for a new one to join! I'm Dallas, ( on skype ) and I'm mostly a roleplayer. I almost always write backstories for my character, and I really enjoy being the face. I've been playing pathfinder and 3.5 for about a year or so now, I have the most experience with rogues. Though I wouldn't play one this time around. I usually don't play pure martial classes, such as fighter, barbarian, etc.. My email is <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Al ( al.rusk ) is also more of a roleplayer. That's mostly what he builds for, and makes lots of funky builds with flavorful dips that usually end up being very fun to roleplay with. He doesn't care much for optimization. He's also more on the quiet side, prefering instead to let his actions or others do the talking. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Daniel ( cap_butternubs ) is our melee. In general, he likes to optimize, and play out of the ordinary races. He also doesn't mind playing whatever the campaign calls for, and while he doesn't roleplay as much as Al or I, he doesn't shy away from it should he be placed in the spotlight. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> We're looking for a new tuesday game to call home. (Though the day itself is flexible) We're pretty reliable, friendly players. Our last game ran for approximately 6 months, and ended on good terms. (DM got swamped with work/school) I think each player only missed 1-2 games in that span. Let us know if you are interested!