It is a dark time for the Iquathan Deeps, in Imperium Nihilus. The Imperium is beset within and without by threats beyond counting and horrors beyond imagination. That it endures at all is a miracle of steadfast determination and the callous sacrifice of uncountable lives.
In this sector of space, the Imperium stands guard against the horrors of the Ghost Stars. A storied and decorated Rogue Trader is gathering a kill team to join her on her quest to delve into the stars. The Iquathan Deeps sector desperately needs resources, and she intends to reclaim lost worlds for the Imperium. These hand-picked outcasts, oddities, and adepts act as her strong right hand.
You are one of these servants of the Emperor. These are your tales.
How to join an awesome story:
Here are the most basic requirements:
You are ok with 3 hour session lengths that meet once a week.
You are ok with games that use safety tools including red and yellow lines.
You have a decent microphone.
You have a Roll20 account.
You have a Discord account.
Ready to go?? Message me and let's make it happen!
Charge is $20 per session per player
Roll20 Link: https://app.roll20.net/join/18958157/AFJJsQ
Discord: shadowedechoes
Game link: https://startplaying.games/adventure/cm2wtvuhq0004b2tygdtuki7v
I hope to see you in game!