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Can't create game using purchased module

January 28 (3 weeks ago)

Edited January 28 (3 weeks ago)

I've been trying to create a new game using my recently purchased "Phandelver and Below" module. However, when I try to select it or any other module on the "Start New Game" page, nothing happens. The tick icon appears on the image when I hover over it with my mouse, but nothing happens when I click it. I am using Google Chrome as my browser.

January 28 (3 weeks ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

Hi Asha!

What should happen is that the game's Marketplace description should replace the list of modules. It sounds like your device is registering the hover,but not the click. Are you on a mobile device, or using some other touch screen device? If you are certain a click should be registering (I.e. a click is received elsewhere), then you can try the following:

  • delete cache and cookies
  • test the process on a different browser and/or device
  • if this fails, capture a Console Log (Chrome, Firefox), and file a Help Center Request
January 28 (3 weeks ago)
Marketplace Creator

I'm having a similar issue.  I can create games using some free modules, but all of my purchased content acts as if I have not purchased it.  It shows the checkmark, but clicking it does nothing.  I've cleared the cache, used both edge and chrome to login but I cannot create games using purchased content.  The modules listed that worked were Heart of Stone, Stewpot, The Dark Eye Introductory Adventure (English and German Language versions), Harnworld, and Crows Rest Island.  Nothing else would allow me to create either a Jumpgate or 2014 edition game.

January 29 (3 weeks ago)

I was using Chrome on my laptop. Clearing my cache didn't work, nor did using Edge.

However, I was able to do it using my phone's browser, which was just the basic Samsung Android browser.  

I have a similar issue too. I have a big list of modules to select from when creating a game (free content I assume?). But trying to create a Frozen Sick adventure is impossible. It is listed in "More Modules" although I have it on my account, and if I click it, it says I already claimed it, but it won't select it as a module for the game.
I tried it in a few different browsers, both PC and mobile.

January 29 (3 weeks ago)
Roll20 Team

Hey folks!

Wanted to chime in here that it seems like there may be two different issues that were occuring.

Ingevar, I believe your issue should be fixed up now -- it seems that the proper version of the module was not granted via our automated processes. A manual fix was done and you should have the appropriate version. If anyone else runs into issues with Frozen sick that match Ingevar's description, send us a request via!

For Asha and Maxximov, these do sound slightly different as you mention the checkmark appearing but it is unresponsive.

This sounds like there is an issue going on that is causing an error, so as Keith mentioned with the console logs, if you can gather those and send them into the support team via it would help us pinpoint what is going on here!

February 03 (2 weeks ago)

Yeah this has just happened with myself. Deleted cache and cookies, used different browsers but its not letting me click modules. At the bottom of the screen im seeing  javascript:void(0);  on all purchased modules but not free ones.