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[BUG] Disabled Scripts still running and being duplicated

So I am having a very interesting bug with my development campaign. I did an update to one of my scripts to comment all of my logs so I could better debug a different script, but the logs kept generating. This didn't make sense so after some code checking, I then tried uncommenting one of the log messages and changing it slightly, now I get the log message twice - once with the original the second being the new one. huhwuh? Next I disabled all of my scripts and logged out of both the API editor and the campaign, closed browser for 15 minutes and tried again. I saw the initial message about sandbox shutting down because of no scripts, but then another message that it was starting the sandbox again. So now with no scripts enabled, at least three, maybe four of my scripts are still running and it appears I have no control over them. As you might imagine, this makes debugging of any new scripts difficult since I'm not sure which log messages are applicable.
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
Look for some unnamed tabs. They would appear as extra wide gaps between scripts, or blank space at the end of a tab row. They will highlight when you mouse over them. Click on them and they should show you the scripts that are still running. I've reported this as a bug in the past. I think there is an issue when saving a script where a script can get duplicated with no name. I've had this happen a few times and seen it on other's campaigns.
Thanks Aaron. Excellent advice and good thinking. I checked the in-betweens and even inspected the HTML and verified there aren't any hidden tabs on my instance. If I let the sandbox sit long enough without a game session open I get the infinite loop error. Could be something in the code it's still using, or it could be tied to the overall issue I'm having.
UPDATE: Everything appears to back to normal over night. When I logged into my instance I had a single API that was enabled but there are no longer any phantom scripts running and things appear to be under my control again.
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
Weird, but awesome!
Stephen S.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Just had the same thing... posted before I found this thread. And they run as if they have no knowledge of each other. My script checks for images and pathing stored in a array... you would think at some level they would notice each other. But they run perfectly oblivious to each other. You kill the one you see.... and all your API commands work in the phantom universe just fine. Its kind of cool bug... but you can't edit the phantom... stays stuck on whatever ever version your script was on when you created it.
Stephen S.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Phantom Chat output: API: 0) Step Up, going Up 1) Step Up, going Up AP: Let's make map Non-Phantom Chat output I can still edit the sendChat text for this one) API: 0) Step Left, going Left 1) Step Left, going Up AP: NOT PHANTOM: Let's make map

Edited 1412178587
Stephen S.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
API Scripter
They have their own set of variables and work with them just find, no confusion. Its trippy.
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
I suspect there are two copies of the sandbox running for your campaign at the time this is happening.