Go to the chat log page and save it as "Webpage, complete". You'll get the HTML, images, CSS, javascript, etc. Then, delete chatloglibs.js . Not only does this file contain unnecessary javascript (such as some error handling for when you post messages to chat), but it changes the URL to avatars in the log. For in-character avatars it's not a huge problem (it links them to amazonaws.com, which is where they link to normally in the VTT), but for OOC avatars it tries to use a relative link, which breaks the image. You can probably remove some other files, but chatloglibs.js needs to be removed if you want your archive to contain correct OOC avatar images. This will generate an error in the JavaScript console because you're missing a file, but you don't need anything it's got. Note that the "Hide Whispers" button will link you to the online version of the log, rather than simply hiding the whispers on the page.