I tried to see if this had been requested before, and I couldn't find anything. That being said, my roll20.net/forum navigational skills have much to be desired.
Basically, I would like two FoW types to be implemented (and hopefully included in the dynamic lighting effects): Full FoW and Token FoW.
Full FoW would be what we have now, total blackout of any area. Players would be completely incapable of seeing anything at all.
Token FoW, on the other hand, would only obscure items on the token level, leaving the map view-able. It would also, preferably, have a semi-transparent shade over it to quickly indicate the fact that it's obscured to some degree. I'm not sure what the roll20 engine would be able to do about partially obscured tokens, and I (personally) wouldn't mind either hiding all or showing all tokens in such a situation.
Lastly, It would be nice to be able to toggle dynamic lighting to work with this. By having anything lit (then unlit) by a player switch from Full FoW -> visible -> Token FoW OR by possibly setting dynamic lighting to use Token FoW and having the DM still able to place down Full FoW
What I'm looking for is something that will allow players to still see the map for any rooms they've visited, without seeing potential enemy movement through those rooms so they can see where they've been and what they've checked.
Basically, I would like two FoW types to be implemented (and hopefully included in the dynamic lighting effects): Full FoW and Token FoW.
Full FoW would be what we have now, total blackout of any area. Players would be completely incapable of seeing anything at all.
Token FoW, on the other hand, would only obscure items on the token level, leaving the map view-able. It would also, preferably, have a semi-transparent shade over it to quickly indicate the fact that it's obscured to some degree. I'm not sure what the roll20 engine would be able to do about partially obscured tokens, and I (personally) wouldn't mind either hiding all or showing all tokens in such a situation.
Lastly, It would be nice to be able to toggle dynamic lighting to work with this. By having anything lit (then unlit) by a player switch from Full FoW -> visible -> Token FoW OR by possibly setting dynamic lighting to use Token FoW and having the DM still able to place down Full FoW
What I'm looking for is something that will allow players to still see the map for any rooms they've visited, without seeing potential enemy movement through those rooms so they can see where they've been and what they've checked.