Al B. said: Is anyone one running a chat based campaign? I'd really like to play one. I'm still kinda new to D&D and roll20 but from what I've played I feel like chat based games may take longer but they encourage role-playing and make you care about the story more. Also sometimes skype is unreliable and roll20's chat is even more unreliable (for me atleast). So if you have a chat based campaign I'd like to join and if you don't tell me what you think of them. We are in the process of switching over from 3.5 to 5e. Still have a little time before the switch while we are working on a new character database. There is a good bit of setting info on the main site and more in the fourms. Welcome to take a look around and the setting will stay the same: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> The chat has been running since December 2012 and is a persistent setting. In case anyone has not done this type of game before, the chat is always up and available to roleplay in with other people. There is a team of DMs who login and run adventures for those who are on as they get time. Occasionally adventures are scheduled ahead of time via the forums.