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PFRPG - Sat. 4/20 @ 6:30pm PDT Realm of the Fellnight Queen (2 shot) needs one arcane caster type [Level 7]

I am running a 2 shot adventure called Realm of the Fellnight Queen this coming Saturday @6:30pm PDT to 10:30pm (GMT -7). Need 2 players to fill that last of 4 spots. The current party consists of a Wizard, a Half-Orc Barbarian and a Dwarven Bear Shaman.  The setting is in Golarion in the forest near Taldor.  Core + APG only  20 Point buy 13,000 gold to spend on goodies.  2 Traits We are playing on the development server.  Post any questions you have here and send me a private message if you have a PC idea and want in.  The second shot isnt scehduled yet but will be based on everyone's needs. 
I always thought Pacific was GMT -8. Well, we're in the same timezone so I should be able to do it at that time....I always thought a Shaman was considered an arcane caster but I guess I was wrong. So, I'm assuming you're using Super Genius Games extra stuff. If that's the case, I'll need to know what books will be used if I can create a proper Arcane Caster.
Core + APG just like it says up above
Alright. I just didn't notice Shaman in the APG or Core so that's why I wanted to know if you were using 3rd Party stuff like Super Genius Games.
No worries at all :-)
So, are we all starting off at level 1? Nevermind.
Forum Champion
If only it was one hour later I would offer my wizard. :) - Gauss
Hey Gauss: It looks like 7:30 start will work and now we need two. Lost our Ranger. I will update the post but if you have a friend...
Forum Champion
Chris, Do you allow the feat Craft Wondrous Item? If so, do you have any special restrictions not in the book? Is Ultimate Equipment available for use?  Regarding hps: are you allowing people to take the PFS average for hitpoints?  Are you using Traits or Hero Points? - Gauss
I am allowing Core + APG only, 13000 gold to spend. HP are max first average balance. No hero points. 
Forum Champion
Thank you for the response, here are the questions I am still not clear on:  Craft Wondrous Item allowed?  PFS average or normal average? (I am unsure of what you mean by 'average balance'.) Traits?  - Gauss
Sorry, for HP I usually allow players to max on the first level sofor a d8 class 8hp and then each level would alternate between 4,5,4,5,4,5 so 35hp not counting other sources. No problem on Craft Wondrous if you like and 2 traits 
Forum Champion
Yeah, that is normal average. Ok, I can modify my wizard to work within those constraints. Good thing we arent level 9 though, Id be missing out on one of my favorite spells. :) I will post the build later tonight. - Gauss
Thanks. Now I will find one more fun player and we are set. 
Forum Champion
Here you go. I may revise elements between now and game time but the majority is done. It took me longer than expected to reduce the equipment levels from the standard 23,500gp so I still need to flesh out the character story. The beginning of the backstory and the spellbook spell list are at the bottom of the page. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Can you PM me the link to the game so I can get started on macros etc?&nbsp; Also, what are we using for communication methods? (Text, or A/V and if A/V which program?) - Gauss
bumping looking for that last fun player...Mid level adventure! See OP for details. Thanks