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Link Player's Tokens to "PLAYERS" Banner.

Every time I switch maps I have to copy / paste my player's tokens to the new map.  This seems like a big flaw in roll20.  It would make more sense if the player's tokens moved with the "PLAYERS" banner when you move it to the corresponding map.  It gets old after several times of this.  I'm hoping there is a fix in the works for this.  Thanks.
Forum Champion
Jason, out of curiousity, are you copying/pasting individual tokens or all of the tokens at once?  - Gauss
To speed this along, set a page aside, label it Player's Tokens. You can set the tokens of players no involved at the moment a bit off to the side, group those currently playing in a little group together and just grab them from that page. Bam. Done.  This is not a flaw, in fact it would be a PITA if every token I assign as a PC were copied over as I have about 20+ of those that would end up constantly getting moved and then having to clean them up.  There is nothing to fix :)
Agreed. I use a "Limbo" page for player tokens, and just copy/paste into a new map. Having it auto-transfer would especially cause problems since the program doesn't know where to start them at! Don't want them seeing the middle of a dungeon!
Just fyi... something on dev makes this less needed.
To Gauss: I select all my tokens and copy/paste as a group.
Things can be improved. The copy/paste method can be annoying and prone to error. If an epic combat encounter goes back and forth over multiple pages, token stats can change frequently, and it can be easy to lose track of which tokens possess the most recent stats. Having automatic copies generated may not be a good solution in all cases, but if tokens are at least created once on all pages, then linking some token stats across pages which share the same journal character could be very helpful For example, I would like to be able to say that bar 1 (health) could be linked so that every token representing a certain character always contains the most recent value. The concept of static data vs instanced data is not a new one, and the roll20 developers themselves recognize this. Journal character attributes and abilities are static across pages. It would just be nice to introduce the concept of static or linked token data as well.
Dylan - this can already be done. In the token, there's an option for choosing which character the token represents, and you can link a stat bar to an attribute defined in the character's entry. This is maintained when you copy and paste.
Excellent, and it correctly supports editing from both the journal and any token. This should solve many problems, thanks!
How about this, have player tokens move when the GM changes the map view. Here's where roll20 can design in a feature that sets the entry point. So when the GM changes the page, the tokens follow and load up in the spot where the GM has designed as "start here".
JonathanTheBlack said: Just fyi... something on dev makes this less needed. This.  I wouldn't worry about this particular issue *wink*. I'll let the devs announce it when it's ready; all stuff on the dev server is subject to spontaneous vaporization if it doesn't work as intended and don't want to get hopes up, but I've been super happy with the latest dev build so I couldn't keep my mouth completely shut =).
Jacquesne J. said: JonathanTheBlack said: Just fyi... something on dev makes this less needed. This.  I wouldn't worry about this particular issue *wink*. I'll let the devs announce it when it's ready; all stuff on the dev server is subject to spontaneous vaporization if it doesn't work as intended and don't want to get hopes up, but I've been super happy with the latest dev build so I couldn't keep my mouth completely shut =). SWEET! You got me excited already, lol.