Macros and scripts would be even more powerful if the generic tokens had the basic stats and attr's of what ever ruleset was selected. As an example, I currently place a block of text this the example below in mob tokens, but all this info is useless to the macro systems: Stealth +7 (Passive Perception 17+ req'd when hidden/alert) Vuln: fire Immune: blind, deaf Blindsight 10' Darkvision 60' Websense, Spider Climb, Web Walker Passive Perception 10 S:14(+2) D:16(+3) C:12(+1) I:2(-4) W:11(+0) C:4(-3) Bite / +5 Hit 7 / 1d8+1 piercing +2d8 poison (Con DC11 for 1/2) / 0HP=stable + paralyzed 1hr Web / +5 / 30'-60' / restrained / (Str DC12) or HP5 AC10 slashing or fire