It just occurred to me that it might be easier to organize the ability for players to find each other if there was a little calendar app for the site where you could post (with maybe a 1-2 month range) time slots in which you are interested in hosting or joining games.
Ongoing games can be updated with number of participants vs. participants desired.
A game which has not yet met the DM's requisites to play, or a player that has yet to find a group will show up as a red time slot.
A game which is ongoing, but is below its desired membership will be shown as yellow.
A game which is ongoing, and is meeting its desired membership will be displayed as green or simply removed from the calendar by the DM.
Any game in which your login is participating is displayed as blue.
The overview of the calendar would be very simple with dates, and days (and possibly even times for higher resolutions) listed and a simple grayscale (for the colorblind) shading used to show the times of highest activity or desired activity.
Mousing over a day will bring up a tooltip providing a preview of that day's proposed schedule of games being proposed by DMs or asked for by players. Clicking on the day loads the page at full resolution detailing all the open or requested games, and further clicking on specific games will open details.
Any thoughts?