i was wondering what the maximum amount of macros per campaign was. My plan is to make global macros for things like Ability/saving throws, skill checks, weapon attacks and spells in my 5e campaign. i wish to do this so that any new or old player can make custom macro's and token actions referencing these macros, examples as follows: Attack macro on a characters ability tab set as a token action: <><><><><> what the player types in his macro <><><><><> /em uses his @{selected|meleeweaponname1} to attack @{target|token_name}. #[melee]1 <><><><><> whats actually in the macro <><><><><> /em uses his @{selected|meleeweaponname1} to attack @{target|token_name}. /w GM [[1d20 + @{Selected|meleetohit1} + @{Selected|global_melee_attack_bonus} ]] | [[1d20 + @{Selected|meleetohit1} + @{Selected|global_melee_attack_bonus} ]] vs [[ @{target|ac} ]] /w GM [[@{Selected|meleedmg1} + @{Selected|meleedmgbonus1} + @{Selected|global_melee_damage_bonus} + 0d0 ]] @{Selected|meleedmgtype1} (on crit add [[@{Selected|meleedmg1}]] ) and for spells somethign like this: <><><> what the player types to make a spell macro <><><><> #[Spell]AcidSplash /em fiddles his digits and flicks a few bubbles of acid at at @{target|token_name}. <><><> what the macro actually does <><><> /w GM [ Acid Splash ] /w GM Conjuration cantrip /w GM Casting Time: [[1]] action /w GM Range: [[60]] feet /w GM Components: V, S /w GM Duration: Instantaneous /w GM You hurl a bubble of acid. Choose one creature within range, or choose two creatures within range that are within [[5]] feet of each other. A target must succeed on a DC [[ 8 + @{Selected|pb} + @{Selected|SCM} ]] Dexterity saving throw or take [[ 1d6 ]] acid damage. /w GM This spell’s damage increases by 1d6 when you reach 5th level [[ 2d6 ]], 11th level [[ 3d6 ]], and 17th level [[ 4d6 ]]. /em fiddles his digits and flicks a few bubbles of acid at @{target|token_name}. the end goal i am chasing is that all spells / attacks / skill checks and saving throws can be referenced and embeded in player made macros just by using: #[Ability]STR #[Melee]1-6 #[Ranged]1-6 #[Skill]Sthealth #[Spell]FireBall so that they stop spending 2-3 minutes per turn looking stuff up or typing /roll, all they have to do is make a macro in the abilities/atributes tab with an emote and a macro call or two during downtime. so that during play time they only have to click their token, hit a token action, select a target if needed, and BOOOOOOOM... everything is auto figured out and all the math is done. if anyone know how many global macros i can have ( ill need about 400-450 of them ) please let me know.