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Macros (and scripts) in Vault and on Marketplace

There is a lot of work being done multiple time by different GMs. Better sharing and reuse options than forums and copy/paste would be good.
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
FYI: I asked about scripts on the market place during the GenCon presentation. The basic answer was "not gonna happen". There isn't a large enough subscriber base to support enough ROI for getting scripts in there, and the API servers are too expensive to roll them out to everyone.
I'd actually use the API if there was an easier way. I don't have the time or the desire to learn javascript and roll my own.
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
Adam, I'd be happy to help you get setup with some scripts, if there are ones you're interested in. =D
I shouldn't need you to, that's the thing. The big sell points of Roll20 are its ease of use and flexibility. That's why I pay instead of using the free version. I want to support that kind of thing. It's a great idea otherwise I wouldn't be using it let alone paying for it. But the devs need to know what their paying customers want. Alot of of you like mucking around in javascript and css. That's great. I don't however and I shouldn't expect to draw on your free time to help me Aaron.

Edited 1414135221
Forum Champion
Adam , the API is one of the features that allows people to take Roll20 beyond 'ease of use and flexibility'. It is why it was created. The Devs cannot create every possible variation of everything out there so they made it possible for the users (Mentors) to do so. Some Mentors like creating scripts and handing those scripts off to someone else. For example, I don't know how to write scripts but that does not stop me from using some of the great scripts out there. Aaron has even been kind enough to write a couple for me to help test some things. Basically, using a script is copy/paste.
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
I second what Gauss has said. Like you, I am a big fan of Roll20. I am also a programmer, so the way I try to support Roll20 (beyond my mentor subscription) is by volunteering my time to help people, particularly with the API. I've probably joined a hundred games by now and worked on setting up scripts. I write scripts as often as I can, and try to make them as self contained and easy to use as possible. I try to make sure they all have a help screen in chat, and that the only configuration they require can be done with chat commands. I don't want users to need to go and edit variables to set ids or special fields. That said, I think there is room for a more streamlined install experience, and I'd love to work on making that a reality. Let me know if I can help out!
I manage a development team, and I think the ability to extend the system with the API the great. I never have enough people to do everything I'm asked for. The API is a great way to allow the Roll20 Dev team concentrate on core functionality, and still allow power users to get features that may be a bit more of an edge case. I'm going to think about what I really want, and I'll contact you Aaron :)
Marketplace Creator
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