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Automated Token Numbering on Duplication

Score + 25
Ben H.
Marketplace Creator
After creating a token for one monster, there should be a syntax for automated numbering/naming of duplicate copies. Maybe some sort of code in the token name. like "##" or something that will append or prepend a number (or some other differentiator) to the name of duplicate copies of a token pasted from the clipboard. I suspect this could be done via the API now, but it really slows things down when you have to deal with manually editing the names of 5 or 6 kobold slingers along with 4 or 5 kobold cleavers, etc.
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
This could be done in the API and I'd be happy to help you with that, if you want to go that route. =D
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
In the interim, I wrote a script that supports this: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>...
I'd love to see this with the linked character sheet used as a class and the tokens acting as an instance (i.e. each token would have its own internal copy of the character attributes), so that we could have tokens with independent bars without having to unlink the bars from the associated attribute (especially useful for systems in which wounds impose penalties on rolls, so a GM can include those penalties in their macros without having to create a separate charsheet for each individual minion-level baddie).
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
manveti said: I'd love to see this with the linked character sheet used as a class and the tokens acting as an instance (i.e. each token would have its own internal copy of the character attributes), so that we could have tokens with independent bars without having to unlink the bars from the associated attribute (especially useful for systems in which wounds impose penalties on rolls, so a GM can include those penalties in their macros without having to create a separate charsheet for each individual minion-level baddie). I'm not quite clear on what you mean...
For example, say you want to have an encounter involving 30 goblins (I won't judge if you won't...). So you create a goblin character sheet, set up the macros the way you want them, create a linked token, and link all the bubbles up as you want them. Then (using your script or this new auto-numbering feature) you create 29 more copies of your goblin token. Now you have 30 goblin tokens, but they all have the same bubbles. If you're using one or more bubbles to track damage, then they all take damage whenever any one of them does. If you're using a system that uses HP and doesn't have any side-effects of HP loss, there's a pretty easy workaround (unlink the HP bar before you copy the token). However, some systems (e.g. True20) have side-effects from damage which need to be reflected in the macros. So while unlinking the Wound-count bar would fix the problem of all the goblins sharing a single Wound count, it would mean that all their macros would act like they're undamaged, regardless of how damaged they are. In the current system, the workarounds are either create 30 goblin charsheets, so each token gets its own charsheet, or remember that you need to do some math on the results of your macros. The former is a pain, and (at least when I'm GMing) the latter leads to lots of incorrect rolls when you forget to do the manual math. So my request is that auto-numbered tokens each have an internal copy of the character attributes (or at least those linked from bubbles), so that changes to the bubbles can affect token macros, but don't propagate to the other auto-numbered tokens.

Edited 1414030934
Forum Champion
manveti , in the case of unlinked wounds you can use @{selected|bar1} in your macro where you would normally use something like @{goblin|wound}.
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
manveti said: For example, say you want to have an encounter involving 30 goblins (I won't judge if you won't...). So you create a goblin character sheet, set up the macros the way you want them, create a linked token, and link all the bubbles up as you want them. Then (using your script or this new auto-numbering feature) you create 29 more copies of your goblin token. Now you have 30 goblin tokens, but they all have the same bubbles. If you're using one or more bubbles to track damage, then they all take damage whenever any one of them does. If you're using a system that uses HP and doesn't have any side-effects of HP loss, there's a pretty easy workaround (unlink the HP bar before you copy the token). However, some systems (e.g. True20) have side-effects from damage which need to be reflected in the macros. So while unlinking the Wound-count bar would fix the problem of all the goblins sharing a single Wound count, it would mean that all their macros would act like they're undamaged, regardless of how damaged they are. In the current system, the workarounds are either create 30 goblin charsheets, so each token gets its own charsheet, or remember that you need to do some math on the results of your macros. The former is a pain, and (at least when I'm GMing) the latter leads to lots of incorrect rolls when you forget to do the manual math. So my request is that auto-numbered tokens each have an internal copy of the character attributes (or at least those linked from bubbles), so that changes to the bubbles can affect token macros, but don't propagate to the other auto-numbered tokens. I see, interesting. I don't think I've played a game like that before. I'd be happy to help work that out in the API if there is a way. Also, Gauss's suggestion might help. You could potentially do the grid of rolls thing some people do, so you choose the correct result based on how damaged the token is. Also, this suggestion might play into what you want to do somewhat: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>...
Thanks, Gauss. I didn't think to look into directly using the bars' values in the macros. Given that the only way I use NPC macros is from the token action bar, that will work perfectly for me.
Forum Champion
Happy to hear it. :)
Yes, im reallly need that automated numbering thing, plz :)
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
Lord Orlando: I've got a script to do this: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>...
Don't have votes left right now, but let me express my support for automated token numbering + character sheet "instances". While you can certainly do some things with just referencing bar values after unlinking, there are great possibilities in Roll20 that can only (to my knowledge) be done with an actual journal entry. For example, take this option: It's quite possible in Roll20 to have the system automatically include various modifiers to things like AC or attack rolls, especially if those modifiers are pretty standard. One option for doing so would be to set a Conditions section on a character sheet, listing the standard conditions and letting the player set them on or off by using a drop down menu. I don't think Roll20 lets you use IF/THEN statements in character sheet autocalculation, but you could basically set the box using drop-downs to either 0 or -4 (if -4 was the standard for a penalty for, say, Weakness). Then, you'd just have an Attack Modifiers calculation elsewhere on the sheet that created an attribute called "Attack Modifiers" which could be called by abilities. It would add up the standard modifiers that could be used by every character--maybe things like Level, Magic Weapon, Weakness, or other possible bonuses or penalties. Then you just call that as part of an ability or macro to add the properly calculated modifier. The difficulty right now is that in order to do that, you need a character to have his own character sheet. If you're using multiple copies of the same type of monster, using the "unlink HP" method, I'm pretty sure this wouldn't work. Every monster would end up using the same mods. The alternative, setting up a separate journal entry for each clone monster, would work but also clogs up the journal something fierce. If we had some other means of doing it I'd be all for it. Your mileage may vary on whether you'd want to do this or's pretty attractive to me, since I'm not all that great at recalling which modifiers are on a character and what they mean--it'd be handy to have Roll20 effectively do that for me (especially since the great new Tracker features allow you to easily set up reminders for how long effects last!). It may not be necessary for every game, but it puts in a lot of new possibilities.
Found a vote I could add after all.
Sheet Author
+10 for this and Aaron's script.
Hi guys, there is a way to make a macro or another thing in the free version (without API) to create numbered tokens, without having to naming manually? Thnks!