After exploring an iteration of this, I'd have to say that auras and light sources would need to be "flattened" as well... the same aspect ratio ... for them to show up "properly" in the render. Not to mention advanced fog-of-war. So, not as simple as another "flat" stacking ratio (hex versus square - triangles for instance would probably be easier than isometric). The moment we fiddle with the aspect ratio of the grid, the rest of the aspect ratios need to follow suit (token, lights, auras). Edited to add: Not to mention stacking order. The usual foreground-background only works for so much on isometric where the stacking order is actually determined by the "row" one occupies (higher rows are ALWAYS hidden by lower rows, vertically, top-to-bottom, measured from the "base" of the token, so flying tokens etc. etc.). Including backgrounds! So while it might seem easy to do on its face, it includes a bunch of tweaks and hiccups that encompass a lot of how the engine works that would have to be changed. In the meantime, it would be cool to get hex based fog of war...