Good day, all. Disguises are a big part of my campaign and several of my players have 3-4 token options for sneaking about, complete with custom art assets they spent a lot of time on. At present, the main way we handle this is by populating a new token and manually attaching it to their character sheet each time they change appearance (a process which is entirely done by me as the GM, is time consuming and game stopping, and often wipes status markers or bars if they aren't remembered properly). Is there a way to use something like a rollable table to be attached to the player's character sheet? Ideally I'd love to be able to have my players (or myself as GM) be able to right click their active token attached to their character sheet and be able to choose from the image range in a rollable table. This would quickly and effectively handle everything from Druid transformations to disguise checks to even player emotes depending on what art assets are available and would an excellent boon for a lot of campaigns. Anyone know if something like this is possible or existant?