I was mostly looking for a DM to learn 5e, but do any of you have any interest in DMing , too (we could easily work out details)? I have an Eberron campaign close to being set up (part 7 of 19 chapters), but I don't want to be sole DM due to my schedule (National Guardsman and 1 1/2 year old) and I would like to sometimes take the seat of a player. Meaning, first weekend of every month maybe I could take a step back from DMing and just play (1st work week of the month is always insane). Also, I am not new to DMing but don't claim to know ALL the 5e rules (its new), do you have books, knowledge, experience, or are willing to help learn, etc? Perhaps we could PM from this point to not overwhelm the forum. One more thing, I'm a bit of a stickler on being on time (real life happens though, I'm not a MM monster!), metagaming and chaotic idiot alignments- time is precious and I've spent a lot of time on creating an epic adventure/storyline! I would say my campaign is 15% social, 30% exploration and 55% combat. That all being said, if you're still interested in a cooperative DM/player campaign, maybe we can make this work? I'm not ready for this week, but maybe next to start? I still have to figure out how many monsters are a respectable encounter in 5e! Specifics: I'm thinking 4 players for maximum participation. I can use any system for audio but skype is free and I have a $1 push to talk app. I prefer Sundays but Mondays or Thursdays can work, too (7pm EST-12pm EST (earliest - latest)). Interested still? PM me with your thoughts and skype name.