Hello everyone, I'm looking for people interested in starting a "one book a month" book club and play a weekly campaign based on the novel read the month prior. The idea is basically to pick up a fantasy/sci fi/other novel every month and then for the following month run a weekly campaign set in the settings from the novel , whilst privately reading the next months's novel. Effectively the way it would go is : month 1 ( pick a novel to read) month 2 week 1 (pick month 2 book)>(discuss the book we read month 1)>(Decide on what ruleset to use for month 1 novel)>(character creation)>(start campaign if there is time) month 2 week 2 ( play the campaign based on month 1 book) month 2 week 3 ( play the campaign based on month 1 book) month 2 week 4 ( play the campaign based on month 1 book) month 3 week 1 (pick month 3 book)>(discuss the book we read month 2)>(Decide on what ruleset to use for month 2 novel)> (character creation)>(start campaign if there is time) month 3 week 2 ( play the campaign based on month 2 book) month 3 week 3 ( play the campaign based on month 2 book) month 3 week 4 ( play the campaign based on month 2 book) and so on. The book will be picked by a different member every month until all members have had a turn. ( We will decide order by dice check) To start with a group of 6 people would be best. so far as GM'ing goes , it will be decided by a volunteering sytem . If noone volunteers to be that month's GM,then the member who picked the book the campaign is based on will be the GM ( don't worry if you are not experienced as a GM , we can all learn) so far as availability is concerned I can start sessions(4 hours length +/-) at the earliest 13:00 Gmt( 8:00 am EST) to latest 22:00 GMT ( 5:00 pm EST). hopefully some of you will show interest, have a good day. H.P.L